(6) Part 2: What Really Happened

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Ariana's Pov

I was going through my backpack that I had with me when I jumped. I found a map, camera, and something that might actually be useful, a booklet of how the spaceship was made.

I spent my whole day reading that thing, I never took my eye off of it. But it didn't help, theirs a lot of things that could have gone wrong while building it. I just don't understand how, we spent 4 years building it very carefully, we went over ever single thing like 5 times.

I was laying on the couch reading the thing all over again, just to make sure I didn't miss anything important.

"Let's go out and get some food, you need some time away from that book" Justin spoke. I guess he got fed up of me just reading.

"Can't, busy" I said not looking away from the book.

"And I'm going to be burying a purple Ariana body if you don't eat" He said.

I closed the book and set it down. I looked at Justin before getting up.

"And F.Y.I, our bodies turn grey, not purple" I said.

I got a sweater and walked out the door with Justin behind me.

We arrived at small cafe, it was nice and comfy.

"Hello, I'm- Justin Bieber!" A girl in her 17s freaked out.

"I'm pretty sure that's me" Justin laughed.

"I'm so sorry, I'm Gracie. May I take your order?" She asked.

"I'll take a coffee and a blueberry muffin" Justin said.

"I'll take the same, but I'll take banana instead" I smiled.

The girl just shot me a death glare, what did I do this time? She left with a attitude with me.

"I think I'm getting closed to getting back to my old life" I smiled.

"How do you know that?" He asked.

"The book, it tells me how many things could have gone wrong with the spaceship, and I was there when they checked if everything was perfect, I'm seeing if we missed anything and caused it to fall" I answered.

"Well you're reading it again, so something else must have gone wrong" He told me.

"Theirs no way that could have happened. It includes every single part of that ship, it must be explainable, and if it is, I bet you its in that book" I said.

"Don't be so sure about that, lots of other things could have happened" He argued.

"Like what?" I asked.

"What if you guys hit something on the way here" He suggested.

"No way, they would have told me, or at least I would have felt it" I spoke

"Or maybe they-" He stopped when the bitch chick came back with out orders.

I bet she sit in my coffee.

-they thought it was nothing" He continued after she left.

Something came into my mind.

"Wait! If something did go wrong, it's probably on my camera" I said taking it out of my hoddies pocket.

"You brought the camera with you?" He asked.

"I forgot it was in my pocket" I said

He grabbed the camera and looked through a lot of videos. He laughed a lot at them.

"What was this for anyways?" He asked.

"Just memories, like a diary,  but picture motion" I answered.

He continued to laugh and smile. Until something caught my eye. He seemed worried in a way.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"You never watched the videos, did you?" He asked.

"No, it was to hard for me" I said.

"You should have" He said.

"Come here" He added.

I got out of my seat and sat next to him. I was watching a video that I took with my brother.


"Frankie, say hi" I said into the camera hugging my brother.

"Hi people" He said in his wide smile.

"So what do you think about this?" I aksed him.

"Exicted, I have always wanted to do this" He said.

"Dreams do come true people" I said into the camera.

"Well we are leaving in 5 minutes so we should get on it before they leave us here" He laughed.

We laughed and smiled, I was truly happy.


My mind came back to present day when I noticed movement behind Frankie and I.

Alfred, he was tampering with some cables of the spaceship. It seem he didn't want to get caughed. He cut it with some scissors, closed the thing and gave my father a thumbs up telling him is was safe. But why would he do this to us?

"Who is he?" Justin asked.

"Alfred, my uncle" I cried.

"Why would he do that?" He asked

"I don't know, I really dont" at this point, I was sobbing.

"My uncle, he was jealous of my father. My father was rich, and had a perfect family. My uncle, his first and only kid died at the age of 2, after that, his wife became an acholholic and she left him" I realised a few minutes later.

"So he wanted to kill him and his family so he can get the money" Justin said.

"And now we've got only 2 more months until he does. If it seems that we're all dead, he gets our family fortune. I need to get back there before it happens" I said.

"And how are we suppose to do that?" He asked.

"The booklet, like I said. It contains everything of the spaceship, even what we need to build it" I cheered.


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Also, this story will be ending soon. Would anyone like a part 2 of the book?

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