Chapter One

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Dedicated to @doodlebug_ because we've been friends long enough to say "do you remember when" to each other and I think that's awesome.

Chapter One

To: haley_98

From: Michele_was_here

Subject: Checking in!

Hey girl, just checking in with the latest news of me and Chris's travels. I can't believe it's already been two months since I said goodbye to the cloudy skies of Ohio and embarked on an adventure of a lifetime. It may be winter over here but still - as soon as you leave the coastline it's like walking through an oven! Chris hardly minds; I have to keep getting him to drink water so he doesn't get dehydrated.

We just arrived in Brisbane from Maryborough. I attached some photos from The Great Barrier Reef! Chris has this awesome camera that means we can film underwater. Isn't that awesome?!

We had dinner at this seafood place on the coast and we met this couple that loved my accent and recommended the corn and shrimp salad for starters. The sun was setting over the horizon. The sea was glistening. It was perfect. I can't believe I've already seen it all before. It's crazy to think that I've been to these places before and not even remember. Surely I would be remember something as amazing as this??

School starts in a week! You're going to be a senior! When did my little sister get so old??? The pictures of the baton burg you sent look delicious! Send me more when you get the time and let me know how everyone's getting on. I'll try and ring during the week - I know Mum's dying to hear my voice so she knows I haven't been eaten by a shark or something.

Love always,



I can't help but grin. I read Michele's email a second time as I lean against the kitchen counter. I click on the attached photos and flick through the half a dozen she's sent me. While not quite the same, the view and Michele's ecstatic expression remains indifferent from the pictures of the last time Michele went to Australia. Only this time, instead of her three best friends, Michele's with Chris.

In one photo they're holding hands. I know they're a couple, or at least they're going to be soon. Michele doesn't remember him from before, but it's not hard to fall in love with the same person twice.


I look up. Zac sets a packet of flour and sugar on the counter. I lock my phone and slide it into my apron. "I just got an email from Michele," I say. Zac hands me a mixing bowl from one of the cupboards and a wooden spoon.

"Oh yeah?" Zac says. He strides to the fridge and tosses a packet of butter under his arm. "Where's she now?"

I open the lid and use the wooden spoon to scoop out a lump roughly the size of my wrist. "She just arrived in Brisbane. She sent me photos of her swimming in The Great Barrier Reef." Zac wipes his forehead with his forearm and stands beside me.

"I want to go to Australia," Zac says.

"Same." I remember the conversation I had with Michele the night she got back from Australia the first time. She'd promised we'd go when we we were older, maybe even live there.

Zac peers in the mixing bowl. "Already did the butter," I say, and Zac smiles.

"You're learning, young grasshopper," he says.

I snort. "How much flour?"

"Like, two hundred grams or something."

Since Zac's started teaching me to bake this summer, we haven't once used a recipe. Judging by eye and Zac's past baking experience, we've got by with our own measurement system, using words like 'roughly' and 'about' as our guides.

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