Chapter 3 - Gone Back

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It was like any other normal day for the little village; the sun was shining, and not a single cloud could be seen in the sky. A group of young men roamed around the streets, in search of some excitement.

"Can we stop somewhere already?... My legs are killing me!" The youngest of the boys complaint.

"We've only been walking for about 30 mins," remarked the silver haired boy. "surely you could continue on for another hour."

The youngest stuck out his tongue, and whined, only for the older to reply back with an eye roll.

"Alright, alright. We'll stop by for lunch at a shop." Nodded the eldest, "honestly, I'm getting a bit tired as well."

"Sounds good," said the one with squinted eyes. "I want to get some ramen!" Exclaimed a boy with snow-white skin.

"Soy-sauced chicken would sound amazing right now," the smallest piqued.

While the boys were making their way towards the shop, they stumbled upon two men who were selling shoes on the street, being terrorised by a few officers. They knew that the village was run by a powerful military government which abused its poorer population, diminishing citizens with fear and violence. So, in seeing a few police men with triumphant smiles as people begged on their knees, wasn't the newest sight for them. However, the boys felt that they had enough of what's been happening in their hometown and made their way forwards to where the men were, holding their heads up high with confidence. 

"Hey boys! Look at these fuckers coming into our village," the man with squinted eyes critiqued as they got closer.

"Citizens, please remain away from the situation or we will have to use force!" one of the officers warned.

"Wow, I'm so scared! What are you gonna do. . ." he trailed off, boldly walking near the policeman's rifle and pressing the end of it against his forehead. "Shoot me?"

The officer did not move an inch, signaling to the boy that whatever they had said to scare them were mere empty threats. "Cowards" the boy spat, smirking at the man.

The other boys helped the two villagers to their feet and lead them out to safety. The eldest shot a glance at the officers and pointed a finger gun mockingly in their direction, as though the big guns they proudly carried around their waist were just unused props. A younger male slowly walked towards the men, holding out a flower to a cop in a, "make love not war," fashion. However, he does so with full mockery as he lightly presses the petals to his lips then deliberately planting it inside an officer's vest, lingering a few seconds longer than needed as the officer swallowed.

The other four boys were accompanying the sellers, paitently. One of the older men raised his head to take a better look at a boy.
"Young man, thank you for helping us." he earnestly thanked the smaller one, who answered back with a heartily smile. "It's not a problem, sir. It's the least we could do."

The man shook his head, "deeds like this deserve a reward..." he turned his head and gave a look to his partner.
"Byung-chul, let's give these kids a gift." His partner nodded in agreement as he took out a small sheet of paper, together with a peculiar blue flower in his other hand.
"This, young man, is a flower of great power... When it's mixed with the right amount of ingredients at the right time, it can do many great things." He paused with a serious tone. "But be warned, the slightest of a mistake can lead to a terrible tragedy," the man gingerly offered the boy with the two objects.

The four boys warmly thanked the two men for the gifts as they went back to where the other three were. Once they had reached the bottom of the bridge and reunited with the rest of the group, the four excitedly told them about the rewards they received.

"A healing potion?" The youngest arched a brow, questioning.

"You can't actually be you believe that? And besides, how are we even supposed to make it." Huffed the boy with rounded cheeks, disbelief in his eyes.

"Well, it says here that we need to make it when the plant is flowering and to only use the flower portion." The small boy informed, reading the instructions. "It also tells us to make the potion when the flowers is in full bloom. Other than that, there's not much said about it."

"The man also told us not to screw up the recipe or we'll all be in big, big, trouble." The blonde mentioned.
"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" The silver head narrowed his eyes.
"How should I know," the other boy gave a mindless shrug.

While the boys were discussing about whether they should take the risk, they didn't notice a group of men with bibles held to their chests, walking towards them.

"Choi Hyungsik!" The man in the middle shouted, making the boys turn their heads towards the source. "Get up," His father demanded with a sharp tone.
The boy straightened himself and got up from his seat, internally preparing to face his father's boiling rage.
"How dare you pick a fight with the authorities! I did not raise you to become a criminal. I knew I shouldn't have let you be with those animals! " he fumed, widely gesturing to the others.

At that point, Hyungsik couldn't hold his anger in anymore. He didn't mind if his father scolded him, but to talk bad about his friends in front of him was another thing.
"They are not animals!" he screamed back, making his father froze in shock.
"They are my fucking friends, my family, people who actually care about me! And we did what was right! We've had enough of what's been happening in the village and we are not gonna sit around sucking on those motherfuckers dicks like the mindless idiots—"
A merciless hand struck him across his cheek, pain blossoming deep into his bones. He couldn't speak as he stared with wide eyes at his own father, who had hit him for the very first time.

"Don't bother showing your face near me again, you are no longer welcome home. . . You are not my son anymore." His father said coldly, glaring at him before leaving with the other men.

After they had left, the silver haired boy rushed towards the guy, slowing down when he was near. "Hyungie...are you alright?" he asked, worry written on his face.

"Let's do it," he spoke up. "What...?"
"Let's make the damn thing," he repeated, his words firmer this time.
The others only shared similar glances at each other before eventually, together they agreed. They decided to meet at their hideout  after collecting the necessary supplies.

Hyungsik and Minok were assigned to collect the flowers. Juhwan, Wonhye and Changin were sent out to collect the other requirements. Lastly, Hyunbin and Kiwon were to prepare an area in the hideout for the ritual. Each team had hastily spilt out after being given their tasks.

However, they had to be extremely careful as the flower they needed only grew in the ruins of another village, where it is said to be dangerous with a notorious clan's hideout.
After having properly geared up, the guys started their mission, determined looks on every single one of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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