- 𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘 𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙨 -

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"WE LEFT OUR CLOTHES IN THE WOODS." I said with a chuckle while clinching onto Eric's arms and tangling my legs with his like a never ending knot. He rose slightly.
"Do you want me to go get them-.."
"If you move I will personally ban you from my bedroom." He chuckles and lays back down before I hum a little.

"What's that song? It seems so familiar." He asks with curiosity and I realise he doesn't remember my magic and spells if you'd like to call them that.
"Maybe we should go and fetch the clothes..." I said before bounding out of bed stark naked and running down the stairs to the fresh air. Eric right behind me with just a blanket as coverage. I opened the door and ran into the back garden, falling onto the gentle green grass I had spoiled with care the last few weeks. "Come here." I said to beckon the shocked vampire over to me, he gently placed the blanket round my shoulders and I giggle before he speeds back in with one for himself. He sits himself down on the grass and I shut my eyes to focus, placing my palm against the ground and the other in his hand.

I began to sang the sweet song of the flora, I started small and allowed the impression to build up as the roses and tulips and begonias called to attention and stood from their weeping phases. I summoned the fireflies to rise up from beneath the trees and speckle the sky like impersonations of stars. Eric sat with an incredulous look on his face, amazement and bewilderment combined from seeing the spectacle I had caused by a simple song. And as my words faded out, as did the magic.

Eric turned to look at me, his face smothered in a smile of happiness before he turned his head to the bushes as if something was amiss.
"What is it?" He stood and I watched as Bill came out from trees, his hands swinging by his side and his face as serious as ever.
"Your majesty." We spoke, the difference in respect blatantly obvious. Eric fell to one knee while I simply folded my arms over my chest and Bill coughed a little as I noticed the blanket falling from one shoulder. I picked it up and wrapped it much more tightly around my figure.

"I mean no harm, when I said I would set you free I mean it, but I'm afraid all of us vampires are gonna have to be locked up anyway." I stepped forward a little in confusion.
"What?" I said in a gentle voice.
"Marnie, the witch that has cursed both Eric and Pam has been possessed by the witch Antonia Gavilán who-.."
"I know the bitch, cut to the chase."
"She has conjured the spell to enforce vampires to walk in the daylight." My eyes widened and I looked at Eric who faltered from surprise.
"It'll look like a mass suicide." I muttered and took Eric's hand in my own as Bill watched us both.
"You need to silver him, I bought this for you. I wasn't sure if you had any." He handed me a bag of thick silver chains and is stared at them in fear.

"Why can't you just kill her?" I said, not wanting to have to silver Eric if there was another way to go about this problem.
"The AVL wants her alive, we don't kill humans anymore..." he paused and I raised my eyebrow at him "not even possessed ones."
"Are all the other vampires informed of this?" He nodded before looking at Eric who twitched his mouth at his king and turning his focus back to me. "I don't know if I can-..."
"You have to, he will die if you don't." Bill said and I looked into Eric's eyes, not one piece of hatred or need for revenge inside of them.
"It's okay, I'll be fine." I nodded slightly and we turned away from the king. "Thank you, your majesty."
Bill disappeared into the abyss and I stared at Eric in worry.
"What if-..." I began but he shushed me with a simple touch.
"I can manage it." I nodded and we walked into the house, well aware we only had about an hour until sunrise and we needed to get the chaining over with quickly for both our sakes.

Eric lay down in the bed of his secret cubby, I opened the bag filled with chains and pulled out a couple of larger ones and some smaller ones.
I slowly laid the largest one over his stomach and arms and watched as it burnt his skin as he cried out Swedish expletives from the pain.
"I'm sorry." I muttered, sensitive myself to the pain and recoiling at the burning of his skin.
"It's okay." He muttered before I placed the next large and little chain over his thighs and feet.

"Okay, one more." Because of the extent of Eric's strength from being such an aged vampire I knew I needed to use the thickest chains.
I grabbed one more and I looked into his eyes for permission to lay it across his neck. I gently did so, the sizzling from his skin encountering the metal was torture and before long he was completely bound to the bed. "The sun will be up soon... I have to go and-..." as I was about to get up he managed to grab my hand that rested on the bed.
"Stay, I don't want to be on my own... please." I nodded and laid down next to him, attempting not to disturb the chains so they would hurt him further. He flinched slightly and I slowly rested my head down on his bare shoulder.

For the next 12 hours or so I remained in the room, I was tired but I couldn't sleep because of Eric's whimpers of pain. Nothing occurred thus far prompting the idea that he wanted to get into the sun at all so I had assumed that Bill had been mistaken that it would take place this evening. Eric attempted to persuade me to remove the chains but I refused, the conscious of what would come of my mistake if I was to make it. I couldn't overpower Eric, nor a 400 year old witches spell.

As night fell, I knew it was now safe to remove the chains and lest to say I was pleased to do so. Eric, not so much.
"AHH!" He screamed and cursed in his native Nordic and I tried to be gentle. "Just... tear it off. It's better."
"Are you sure?" Motioning to the last chain, across his neck. He nodded slightly and I crunched my face up in disgust from the action. "Okay... ready? Three, two, one-..." I tore the chain from his neck in one fell swoop and his scream enforced me to cover my ears on impact.

"I'm sorry." He gently turned his head and looked me up and down.
"It's okay." I placed the chain back in the bag and turned back to the bed ridden, silver-burnt Eric.
"You need to feed." I said, more to myself, as if in deep thought.
"There's no one around." He says innocently. I removed my cardigan and tied my hair back with a stray hair band.

"I am."

𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐘𝐍 ❦ 𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤 𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘮𝘢𝘯Where stories live. Discover now