Danger Zone

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We are supermatural aliens and on our golden birthdays we change our forms, but i still have to wait fir my birthday on september 14 i am 13 rite now so i have two more weeks until i do change. We (meaning my family and i) live close to earth, but our home planet is called Planet Zenith its a place with all supernaturals.

My family and i live right next to one of my best friends and i asked my mom if she could sleep over and she said she would never turn anything down, but trust me that was a lie. So her answer for the sleepover was "no ,"i dont get along with my mom so im really glad i have a dad.

Today we are eating squish for breakfast and my mom said Sara could comeover and have breakfast with us even though tgey were having the same thing. Hey mom can i he- the door bell cut me off; 

"Sweetie are you going to get that?" 


"No buts, young lady go get tge door" 

"Mom you get it this time" 

" Chloe did you just smart mouth me?" 

"No mom i smart eyed you" 

"Chloe go to the corner" 

"Haha what corner oir planet is circle" 

"I mean the one on the left" 

"Which left?" 

"Bottom left"

"I am sorry mom, but you know those are not corners BECAUSE THEY ARE R-O-U-N-D-E-D and if you didnt notice when we moved in there were no C-O-R-N-E-R-S."

Fine ill answer the door, but if sara asks to come over its N-O."

Fine ill answer it MOTHER.

Finally after we had our argument i went to bed without seeing sara so like 5 after i went to bed i heard sara leave and SLAM!!!!!! the front door. The door closed loudly and our uncornered rounded house shook like no other time. I could tell sara was mad she waited oitside for 15 minites and when she came in her face was red.

Today was the day right before my birthday and now that i was almost 14 and i couldnt wait, people from earth kept mentioning stuff about birthday parties, but my family and i didnt know what they were talking about we knew about the birthday thing, but the parties we had no clue in the world what they were talking about. The days have been going by super slow and i still yet to find the one for me.

Its August 31 i still have two weeks (14 days) until i do change, but itsgoing to be hard. I will be half alien and half human the doctors ( meaning alien dictors) want to take us to help us through our change in the Arklay Mountains where 12 kids/aliens have been helped. They say they'll let us go after we are helped.

The day i found out i started for the Arklay Mountains i brought a sleeping bag, 2 blankets, a pillow, some lock lords (junk food), squish, a few pairs of clothes, and a friend.

That same night sara and i set out for the road it started pouring. Oh and i forgot to mention my mompacked an umbrella fir us just incase we needed it.

Chapter 2

We are still on the road and its day 2 the sun is out and its warm. Winter is just around the R-O-U-N-D-E-D corner. We waited to whisper so the assistant doctor wouldnt here us.

" hey sara, im kind of scared" 

" why?" 

" well its just that i gavent been this far away from home before" 

" its okay you should be glad they are going to help us through our change" 

" ok i guess"

It was raining a little then it started to thunder, lightning, and hail. The doctors were leading us to the Arklay Mountains where they were going to help us through our change.

We had about two days and eighteen miles left to go. Sara and i would talk to each other and the doctors were right infront of us, but riding in a car. If we talked to loud theyd probably here us.

I was really scared because they probably wouldnt help us, but i was happy because they might hep us. The doctors overheard Sara and i talking and said " its ok everythings going to be ok."

They said they would lose everything after they help us and never speak our names again. Sara believed them. My gut feeling told me something different it told me something was wrong and that they were lying. 

" oh Chloe look" 

" what" 

" theres a teenage boy" 

" we should ask him ware he came from"

We startedto walk off the road but the doctors stopped us and told us to keep following them. Right then i knew something fishy was going on around here. So i told Sara not to say anything because aomething just wasnt right.

Tonight we are going to camp out and tomarrow at 6 we will be on the road again. 

Today was day 3 and we ran out of food and water yesterday, so Sara and i are starving. The doctors in the car had food and water but they would share any with us. So Sara and i were going to tell the headmaster.






Chloe and i were so hungry and thirsty and the doctors kept eating and drinking. They didt notice that chloe was starving and had fainted in the middle of the road. I stopped and went back for her.

They were so busy feeding their mouths they didnt notice we werent there. We would be there in about five minutes and the doctor said we could get something to eat and drink.

Chapter 3

Finally we were there chloe and i could get something to eat and drink. When we ( meaning chloe the doctors and i) got there chloe saw 12 children five girls and seven boys in cages.

So right then sara kept saying " i wish i never came here" 

I thought the doctors were goin to help us through our change and let us go home like they said. They never once said anything about cages.

They never told us they were going to keep us. This wasnt suppost to happen the way it did. 

Sara and i put our minds to something else we didnt want to think about cages, but it didnt work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2013 ⏰

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