chapter 4

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Alex's pov
I walked to the kitchen and found Jas sitted comfortably next to Sam . I sat next to Sam on the opposite side of Jas and tried as hard as possible not to look at her ,once I did I was met by a smirking Jas while twirling her fork around her food she then picked a piece of egg from her with her fork and placed in her mouth slowly , I could feel my mouth tempt to open as she licked the fork but I focused on my plate and muttered "sick bitch"before going on ahead to eat my breakfast,moments later Sam and Jas left I fake cried when Sam left ,Jas followed behind her after whispering to me and telling to think of her all day . I yelled a " you wish" as she got in the car.
All day I technically did nothing the house was clean , the dishes were clean and time to time I was tempted to go snooping around Jas' room which I washed off immediately as I remembered what a pussy she can be. So I decided to stalk on Instagram instead which went aweful cause I liked one of her pictures by mistake , then I unliked then thought it'ld be weird that I liked it then unliked so I was ended up liking all her pictures.

Ikr don't worry I ended up slapping myself mentally after that .
I decided to go take a shower and choose that as punishment I should shower with cold water .Which was funny since I could proper use then coldness as it is hot as a MF in here .
After I showered I wore some gery joggers and a tank top and went to get some ice cream and watch Cats .

No not like actual cats the movie y'all should go check it out if you haven't..

Moments later
I ended up getting some ice cream and was so I not the movie when as I was about to put some of it in my mouth "so you're stalking me now " I jumped up and the ice cream feel on my bare chest "holy shit cold that's cold " I said as I wiped the ice cream with a tissue that Jas handed to me "what the fuck is problem why did you sneak up on me like that" I asked as I pushed off my way . "I just wanted to know if your stalking me " sue asked as she eyed me as I staffed my face with ice cream . "Now why would you think that " I asked her as I swallowed my ice cream "um-mh because you liked my picture then unliked then liked it again and then liked all the things I've ever posted. " she said . How the fuck did she know so first I thought I had till evening f*ck f*ck f*ck "so .. " she asked "I do not ..... Brain freeze shit gimme a minute " I said as went and rested in the couch she eyed before she headed upstairs 'thank you ice cream you'll always be my no:1'i told my self as I sat up .

After 5-10minutes
There was a knock at the door "coming " I yelled as I got up and went to unlock the door . "Took you long enough so what was so agent and couldn't wait" he asked "ummh what now??" I asked a bit confused . He raised his head and bam

Well damn he cute he looks damn "Who are you and you gotta be so cute

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Well damn he cute he looks damn "Who are you and you gotta be so cute . " he asked with a smile "well hi am Alex am Sam's best friend and who are you ??" I said moving to sit on the couch "Am James Jas' best friend " he said sitting next to me ."She has that ??"I asked as we laughed "yeah I do you got a problem with that " Jas asked from behind us "No it's just a that it's you " I said as I got to go upstairs "I'll see you around Alex I like you " James said as Jas sat beside her "I like you too boo " I said as went and laid in my bed reading the long text Sam sent giving a thousand reasons why she be late I just sent a simple okay ,plugged in my head phones and started listening to some songs . I ended up sleeping and been woken up by the sweet smell of food coming from down stairs. I slowly walked down stairs to find Jas cooking "what you cooking?" I asked as I sat on a stool "chicken casserole " Jas said she tasted some soup "Here how is this ?" She asked as she made me sip some off it "mm mm mm this is great " I said as I closed my eyes and swallowed "I did not know you can cook " I said leaning to the kitchen counter "yeah there's a lot those post don't tell" she said turning to face me as I now understood she would go back to the stalker story but surprisingly she didn't . "My mum taught me how to cook we would cook together everytime she wanted to suprise Liz or something else or when she wanted an excuse to brag about how she is at it." Jas said smiling. God I love it when she smiles "what do I got something on my face " she asked as she wiped her face "yeah actually you do a cute ass smile " I said and regretted it as soon as it got out I also mentally knocked myself out . "so you think I have a cute smile huh" she asked as she walked towards me and right behind me .She turned the stool around and was slowly leaning in . "What else you think is cute about me ?"she asked as I opened my mouth to say something ,anything but nothing came so I just licked my lips as I felt her soft lips peck mine .And the door slammed open causing me to jump as we were met by a Sam walking upstairs making out with some stud who dabbed Jas and Sam yelled an am sorry before disappearing.
Jas went on and set the table . We ate with an awkward silence and I went on to my room .

Ps Sam gave me her room she said she could use the privacy so I got hers and now Jas is my neighbour.
I peeped first and made sure they were not in here then walked in and laud on my bed.


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Love y'all

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