Chapter Fourteen: "Now I have no one."

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I just finished reading Midnight Sun, the new Twilight book, and it was so good!

Question: Do you like Twilight? If so, which is your favorite movie? Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?

I'm Team Edward ;)

BTW, brace yourself.

Chapter Fourteen: "Now I have no one."

I was never afraid of dying. It was never a constant worry for me. I didn't walk around thinking "this could make me die". I didn't stop myself from doing something I wanted to do just because it was a risk. Life is all about risks.

But one thing that I was always afraid of was losing a person without telling them everything I wanted to. Like if I had a crush, I would be worried that if I never told the person that I liked him and then he dies and he would never know how I felt about him. Sure I've never liked anyone that much to tell him, but it was always a fear of mine.

But my biggest fear of all was losing someone I was close to. Especially my mom.

Whenever she would be away for a while and never texted or called me, I would get scared that something happened to her but I always knew, somehow, she would come home to me.

So when Brenda told me that my mom was coming here to surprise me at my competition and her plane crashed and there were no survivors, I couldn't process it.

When Brenda pulled me over to the bench to sit down, I couldn't process what she was saying.

The second she said that my mom died, it was like my body shut down.

I couldn't think.

I couldn't hear.

I couldn't speak.

I couldn't feel.

Everything felt numb.

At first, I didn't believe her, but I knew she was telling the truth. I could see it in her eyes. I could see it in everybody's eyes.

But I didn't cry. I just sat there looking at the ground.

Eventually, someone helped me up and into the car.

I didn't listen to music. I didn't do anything the whole ride home. I just sat there, feeling numb.

Now, as I sit on the roof outside of my window, headphones on and music blasting, I start to feel something.

Not emotionally but physically.

I reach my hand up and touch my cheek. I come in contact with something wet on my face.


I break down. The tears keep coming. I try to stop them but I can't. I bury my face in my hands. I start sobbing.

And there is only one question going through my head.



"I brought you a sandwich if you're hungry?" Liv asks, sitting next to me on my bed.

I shake my head, turning onto my side and wrapping the blanket around myself even tighter.

It's been a day since Brenda told me what happened. I've been in bed the whole time. I barely talked to anyone. I've barely eaten.

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