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"Do you guys believe that there is an alternate universe somewhere out there?" I ask as I look outside at the passing scenery.

Briana, my best-friend, slightly turn, facing me with a confusion written all over her face, "What are you talking about now, Olive?"

"Yeah, that was such a random ass question," my other best-friend, Emily, chimes in.

I sigh and face in front of me, "I don't know, I was just thinking that if there's another me out there somewhere, I just hope she's having a better love life than me right now."

Emily lets out a groan and slightly rolls her eyes. "Girl, please tell me you're not back there thinking about that fuc- OUCH," She turns her gaze away from the road to glare at the source of her pain, "Why the hell did you just pinch me?"

"Because," Briana shrugs, "You're not really helping here."

"Come on now,"she retorts as she returns her focus back to the road, "We all know that that boy isn't something worth missing. He was literally a waste of space and time. And let's not forget, sperm. It's a shame he's the one that won the swimming contest. If I was his mother, I wou-"

"As true as that might be," Bri says, cutting off her mini rant, "our girl was in love. It's going to take her some time to really get over him. You should understand. I mean, let's not forget about Jose."

Bri lets out a loud, fake gasp. "Oh, you did not mention he who shall never be named."

"And did," Em replies matter of factly with a "who gon check me" expression.

It is at this moment that I decide to tune out their conversation. I know all too well that what would follow was a long-drawn out roast session that they'd eventually try to draw me into. Right now, I want no parts in their battle even though it basically started because of me. Instead, I just return to my sight seeing and thoughts.

I love my friends, I truly do, but sometimes it's hard to talk to them about certain serious situations. It's not at all because they don't care because I know they do. They're the type of friends that if I had a problem or someone wanted to start drama, they'd always be down to ride. It didn't matter whenever or wherever, they were always there for me. My main problem when talking to them is that they literally have the attention span of a goldfish, so our conversations always get sidetracked.

Also, they always clash with one another because of their completely different personalities. Emily is more preppy and full of sunshine and rainbows. She always tries to find the positive outcome in every situation no matter what it was. If someone ever needs to be comforted or want to feel like a million bucks, Em was their girl. Bri, on the otherhand, was the complete opposite. Yes, she is very caring and loving, but she can be very blunt. She doesn't try to spare anyone's feelings and she always says what's on her mind. She may come off really harsh, but most of the time, she means well.

Because of these stark different personalities, they always argue about how to go about certain situations, especially when pertaining to me. Ever since we were younger, I was always seen as the baby, or innocent one, of the three of us. Though we are all the same age, me being a few months younger than both of them, they have always treated me like the younger sister. Sometimes it annoys me, but I understand that they just care for me and don't want me to go through some of the things that they have, especially when it comes to boys. It makes sense since they are both outgoing and experienced in all things life related. I'm more of an introvert that stays to myself, so I'm pretty closed off from the world.

With all of our differences, we still were able to remain friends for over eight years. I guess it's true what they say, opposites really do attract.

"But seriously, Olive, he's not worth thinking about. You deserve wayyyy better than he could ever give you," Bri says as they finally give up on their roasting of one another, "You deserve the world, the universe and more. Don't you ever forget that. Now, it's all about new beginnings. Plus, now that you're single, imagine all the great sex that's waiting for you out there."

"I don't know. He must've been laying it right because she's really over here thinking about her tether," she says referring to the movie US. All three of us bursts out laughing at her statement. I can always count on them to brighten my spirits.

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