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Even more yelling.

Dwight groaned in frustration, pinching the bridge of his nose. All that ever seemed to happen at work was this; An endless cycle. Doing the bare minimum to get by seemed like a brilliant and comfortable idea, but in hindsight he should've found somewhere else to do it. 'Especially when your boss is Lazar.'
The damned narcissistic, self entitled son of a bitch. The job shouldn't be hard, he always seemed to prevail though, Lazar always found something. Our dear company CEO was delusionary it seemed.
'Be BOLDER Dwitch.'
'Get the word out Dwitch! Be a lion!'

"Yeah right, the day I become a lion is the day I rip you apart." Dwight muttered frustrated under his breath.

A coworker nearby glanced at him confused and nervous. Dwight flushed embarrassed, and smiled awkwardly feeling like an ass. 'Yeah, definitely think I'm a psychopath now...'
He sighed heavily, turning back to his desktop computer. 'Time to get back to falsely advertising our shit-show of a company.'
What was it Lazar called it?
"Story hook supervisor!" He remembered him exclaiming almost proudly during the first shift for his job position. Doesn't sound real, at all.
Lazar proudly boasts his work, claiming it to be completely original (obviously a lie.) Everything he seemed to do was bullshit. Again, even though Dwight got an easy 'laidback' job, which was to mainly create false profiles praising Lazar's work and company, until Dwight could get another job however, there was nothing he could do. He refused to go back to being a child party entertainer, it was horrid, the pay, the children, and the get-up. No matter how rough things would get, he wouldn't go back to being a clown. As soon as things seemed to dim down a sudden shout echoed from across the room. It was Lazar yelling at the Peak 22 lawyer, in other words the company's lawyer. Lazar is yelling at the poor man in his office, arguing about the 'Story hook' concept not being registerable due to the simple little fact that it's a concept that is taught in high school. Anyone could tell him that and he'd argue; "No no you damned fool it's new and it's art! REVOLUTIONARY! Soon enough everyone will want a copy and an autograph, everyone will be eating out of the palm of my hand!"
Damned fool. Seeks fame and riches but doesn't have the talents or brains for any sort of publicity.
'Non deserving as well.'
Just about had enough of him. First he calls me Dwitch after insulting everyone, degrading them and just being an ass in general. Then he publicly humiliated Rose for sticking up for someone with a speech impediment. Rose (also the manager who hired him) was a sweet lady. We often had coffee together in the mornings at the office, making fun of Lazar and his bigotry. It was comforting. Speaking of Rose, my mind wandered back to the one outburst that our 'Naked Emperor' had on her. I can't stand to see him do that to anyone, especially a lady. I sighed, rubbing both temples. Anxiety began to overcome me. I tapped my foot on the tiled floor, beginning to bite my nails, thinking about standing up for her. A hand was placed on my shoulder, causing me to jump slightly. "Woah, easy there Dwight. It's just me." 'Rose.' Dwight visibly relaxed, lowering his hand to cross his arms. Dwight smiled back, straightening his posture to show respect and attentiveness. "Hey Rose, is anything wrong?" She laughed slightly, shaking her head. "No but I should be asking you the same. You're free to go home hon, your shift ended 5 minutes ago." With that she patted me on the head, and turned walking away. Dwight smiled lightly. Even in hell he had managed to find something nice: an older sister figure. He shuffled some loose papers together, putting them in his black folder. Put his phone in his back pocket, car keys, and grabbed his coffee with his left hand. He tucked the folder under his left arm, making way for the elevator.

Dwight haphazardly got into his slightly beat up car. It had a couple of scratches and wasn't the best looking, but luxury never concerned Dwight. You don't need luxury for comfortability. Dwight lived a couple of blocks away. He wouldn't mind walking if he looked more intimidating. The city isn't the safest place to be, especially at night. A sudden growl resonated in the car. Dwight looked down to his grumbling stomach. He frowned, trying to remember if there was any food back home at the fridge. He spent most of his time at work, living off of fast food and office snacks. Not the healthiest diet. He sighed for the hundredth time that day. He used his right hand on the steering wheel, and his left to chew on his finger nails. Most of the time he hated talking to people, made him over think and stumble over his words. Anxious. When he had tried to talk to people they either laughed or ignored him. He tried out for sports. Football was a definite no go. After all, who in their right mind would go to a football tryout as a scrawny kid? Dwight wasn't built for it, so the coach basically benched him. Because football didn't work he thought maybe basketball would. He wasn't the fittest kid in high school, but he could run fast if he needed to. 'Yeahhh, that didn't work out either...'
You see, Dwight couldn't shoot hoops or keep up with the other kids. He had really bad footwork. His heart rate picked up, chewing more roughly at his fingernails trying to find ground again. 'It's in the past Dwight, quit reminiscing.' A sudden annoying pain pulsated in his finger. He brought it up to his face to look at, still eyeing the road. He accidentally chewed the nail too far down, and pulled a little skin down the side from a hang-nail. I quickly wiped what little blood came out onto my black slacks and turned my attention back on the road. It was a dark night out, no stars visible due to the light pollution. Not knowing what to get he settled on a fast food burger joint. Going through the driveway he didn't know exactly what he wanted, just had a good idea. 'I mean, it's just a burger joint. They sell burgers. Wait, but what kind do I want? All the way? Swiss and mushroom? BBQ style? Regular cheeseburger? Fries-' "Hey! Move it jackass not everyone has all day!" Dwight flinched pulling up to the speaker. "Hello sir! What can I get you today?" "Uhhh-" His anxiety kicked in again. He already made a man behind him mad, now his mind is scrambled and can't think straight. "I, I want a-" cheeseburger. Shouldn't be that difficult to say. And then he remembered an incident in high school.

Dwight had just gotten through the lunch line, after a while of being skipped and pushed. He had went into the hot lunch line. It was a Friday, so they'd be handing out cheeseburgers. By themselves they were just... Plain.
Dwight would always get the side salads and condiment packets to add to his burger, this Friday would be no different. Dwight sauntered with his lunch tray to head to his usual table in the back corner, obscured so he couldn't be noticed (no-one seemed to want to anyway.)
He zoned out for a split second, and the next thing he knew he had bumped into the star football player and jock. It had dumped all over him, some of the condiments splattered on his girlfriend's yellow sundress. She swung her head to face me, her high ponytail flailing in the process. The jock's face went from confused, to anger within a matter of seconds.

Needless to say, even after apologizing to him, the jock and a couple members of the football team took me into the bathroom to pummel me. My hand tapped rapidly at my thigh. "Uh, sir, are you going to order or-" "Hey! What are ya doing, orderin' for the whole county?!? Hurry up!" In a haste movement Dwight shifted gears of the car, driving away a little faster than intended, getting a glimpse of the lady on the speaker as he drove past the window. "It's that jock's girlfriend..'' My heart rate immediately picked up at the realization. My thoughts went to the memory of the beating I received. 'Cruel'
I sped home, not bothering to take the folder or coffee out of the car. Slamming the door to my apartment and locking it. I breathed deeply, borderline panic attack. I tried to slow my breathing. My hands found their way to my face, covering it.
After I could somewhat regain my composure I decided it would be best to just order pizza. It was relatively cheap and could last me a couple of days. Reluctantly picking up the phone Dwight phoned a nearby pizza joint. After ordering a simple cheese pizza, he decided a shower would be appropriate. Hot water cascaded down his bare skin. Letting out a sigh he adjusted the shower head.
'Tomorrow is going to be a long day.'
*A couple of weeks later*

He's doing it again.
Lazar blew up on rose, angry that any contractors or publishers won't publish his 'Literary revolution harbinger'. Fucking idiot. That was the last straw for Dwight. He wouldn't stand up verbally or physically for now, he'd figure something out. Publicly embarrass him or bring permanent shame to his name. Tonight was the annual roast session. He could bring it up then and they could figure something out. For now, rose would have to endure just a little while longer. After a few minutes he seemed to calm down, turning suddenly excited.
Dwight rolled his eyes, and went back onto Lazar's website to shower false praise.

Time skip, 2 hours later-

Rose had pulled Dwight aside in the corner of the break room on the verge of tears. Dwight being concerned, had instantly started thinking of worst case scenarios. "What happened Rose, why are you crying? Did Lazar do something to you?" She nodded her head somewhat vigorously. "He does this Every time he's backed into a corner with his financial contributors. When he spends too much money on advertising and whatever the hell else he does, he always picks a scapegoat, its always a woman too, degrading them and patronizing them in front of the donors, until they seem addfo incompetent that he fires them so they carry the burden with them when they leave! By the time I leave today I'm going to be fired, I can see it on his smug face!" Dwight frowned, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. "You don't know that for sure Rose, he could just be in a more sour attitude then normal-" Rose looked up desperately "Dwight, he is!" Her tears flowed freely now. Dwight didn't want to admit it, but she was probably right... It did seem to happen more often than not. "Fuck, what am I gonna do? I'm a single mom for heaven's sakes" Dwight stepped closer, embracing her in a hug. "If you really feel you're gonna be fired then start applying for more jobs Rose, I'm here to help you."

As Dwight's shift finally ended, he got up hurriedly from his swivel seat. He had half an hour roughly before the Roast began. It was a party still, so he went to his apartment to shower. He didn't have much clothes, but he had some black slacks for work and white button ups, ties, and one suit. After quickly showering he dressed in his only suit, black, white undershirt and usual tie. 'Car keys, phone, address... I forgot the adress...'
Dwight fumbled with his phone, dialing Rose. After the phone ringing for a few seconds she picked up.
"What is it Dwight?" Stuttering he replied "yeah, I forgot where it was, the roasting and all." "Oh, it's at my friends place this year, Sarah an old colleague. I'll send you the adress." "Alright, be there soon."

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