Dear Crush || 39

640 43 3


Joshua Hong

After what felt like an eternity, the school hour have ended. I am still nervous if she'll drop a reply or not. Part of me hope she'd drop one, but part of me don't even want to see a reply.

I'm sure it'll be a rejection either way.

As nervous as I am, I cautiously went to her locker to check. I saw a note so I decided to read it

I took a deep breath before reading it


Dear Joshua,

I like you too :)

- S


Wait... It is signed by the letter 'S'...??

That's when it hits me

Holy damn my speculation was correct then ? Sophia was the one who have been sending me letters and SHE KNEW ? OH GOSH---

Wait if she does know that it was me... Yet why...?

It was then I felt someone hugging me from behind

"Thank you Joshua. Thank you so much for looking after me from afar" said the person that's hugging me


I was overwhelmed. I didn't know what to say. I'm still in shock and I couldn't process what's going on now

How long have you known that it was me Sophia ??

"After weeks of wanting to tell you, I could finally say that I like you. I've been waiting for you to finally tell me that it was you all along. I'm glad that someone like you came into my life" said Sophia

That's when I could feel my tears escaping from my eyes

I'm still overwhelmed by what's happening right now. Is this really happening ? I'm not dreaming right ?

She let go of me and went to look at me

"OMG JOSHUA ARE YOU CRYING ??" She asked as she was surprised

"WAIT WAIT WHY ARE YOU CRYING OMG--" she wiped my tears using her sleeves as she was panicking

"I-I-- I'm j-just overw-whelmed" I sobbed in between. My tears haven't stopped flowing

She bursted out laughing

"Oh lord, you're so cute Joshua" she couldn't stop laughing

I buried my face onto her shoulder as I couldn't stop crying. She patted my back softly

"Did you think I was going to reject you ??" She asked as she was still calming me down

"Of course I did !" I frowned

"How can I reject such a lovely person like you ? In fact, I've always liked you Joshua" she chuckled

"Thank you..." I mumbled

"You're welcome Joshua" she giggled

Gosh how can someone be THIS cute omg-


Chapter 39 ✓

Dear Crush • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now