Getting to know Alexandria

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The council joined them in the town hall for the meeting and decided on if the new group was going to stay or not, though it wasn't much of a decision. If Daryl trusts them then everyone trusts them. All of the people on the Council took their seats, and were ready to hear out the new people. "What are your names?" Michonne asked

one by one they introduced themselves

Smecker came forward "I am Paul but, some of the others call me Smecker." "They call me Duffy." Duffy introduces himself next and the other detectives introduce themselves. Next is Romeo then Da but, last but certainly not least the twins. "If you have answered these questions I am sorry but, answer them again." Aaron says,

"How many walkers have you killed?"

They all look at each other and Da says "We all have killed more than we could count."

"How many people have you killed."

Smecker- "15."

Duffy- "10."





Conner and Murphy-"73."

All of the council members eyes widen and they look to Daryl who smirks


They all look to the twins who answer "Evil men dead men."

The council members look at each other and then to Daryl who's smirk only grew and asks

"What did you do before?"

Smecker- "A lead FBI agent"

Duffy- "FBI"



Romeo,Da,Conner and Murphy- *they all look at each other* "Have any of ye' erd' about ta' Saints." Murphy and Conner ask in unison.

Most of the council members eyes widen and they all looked to Daryl with their mouths agape and at that point Daryl was grinning like an idiot. "You can really pick them muttered Aaron causing Daryl to chuckle. "Who are the Saints?" Gabriel asks Michonne, she just smirks and looks to the twins. The twins look at each other and ask Gabriel "Do ye know what we think is wrong it was for decent men with loving families. They went home every day after work and they turn on the news. You know what they saw? They saw rapists, and murderers and child molesters. They'were

all getting out of prison." Conner says then Murphy continues, "Mafiosos. Getting' caught with twenty kilos. Gettin' out on bail the same fuckin' day." Conner continues "And everywhere, everyone thought the same thing: that someone should just go kill those motherfuckers.."

Murphy finishes "Kill 'em all. Admit it. Even you've thought about it." Gabriel looks wide eyed at them .."S-so you killed bad guys before the vigilantes?" Gabriel stutters, Michonne took it from there "Not just vigilantes the most famous vigilantes of all time THEY KILLED the leader of the Russian mob syndicate Papa Joe Yakavetta IN THE COURTROOM!" Michonne says excitement in her voice. Gabriel's eyes widened even more if it was possible and stammered out "Y-YOU?!?." "Ey' Con I think he recognizes us now." Murphy says "Ey' ye' may be right brudder." Conner answers with both twins sharing matching smirks. Judith looked amazed and almost mystified.

"I was going to school to be a lawyer and idolized you guys you did what the law couldn't. I always wanted to put those men in jail but the snakes had people in higher places, and allways managed to get out of what they deserved." Michonne explained, "Well we are glad we ave' a supporter er'." Da awncers with a smile. Gabriel looks as them with a bit of fear, "I always knew you guys had inside help." Saddiq said smiling "Soo vote?" Daryl asks still smiling like the cheshire-cat. They took the vote and it was 4-1 with Michonne, Saddiq, Aaron, and Daryl voting to keep them and Gabriel against it.

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