Doctors Appointments

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I hate being in hospital. I get terrified when I see a doctor. I can't wait to get out of the hospital. Here it comes doctor. He ran some tests and saw my injury. He said 'Your injury looks really good, just don't do sport for another 4-5 months' . I say 'Ok doctor I will not do any sports when my next appointment'. Doctor said 'Your next appointment is next month'. I said 'Ok thanks doctor'. 'See you need a doctor next month'. One months later ugh I have a doctor appointment today why today. Idk well I went today to the hospital today and finished my appointment with the doctor. I came home and mum ask me 'How was at the doctors what did doctor said to you' I said 'Mum you don't need to worry I fine just my next appointment is in 3 months it ok I will be ok hopefully'. 2 months later I been having some pain where I have operation doctor say I should not have any pain but I do I can wait bit more until my next appointment. I will be okay until then.One day until my appointment and I'm in the biggest pain ever I went down steers and I just collapse my dad here the something biggest bam. My dad came running from kitchen and see me laying down on the flour covered in blood. My dad pick me up put me in the car and drive to the hospital when they saw my dad and me they gave me a bed and took me to a surgery room. I had surgery as soon as possible. They finished my surgery and put me in the room. My dad came in the room where I was and he sat until I woke up. The next day I woke up and there was so many people next to me I barely remember what happened to me.

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