All I Want

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Dianne sighed sitting back on the couch and placing her head in her hands. She sat back up, taking a long drink from the glass of red wine she had poured herself.
She pulled Joe's hoodie tighter around her small body, letting the tears run down her face.
“Mama, what's wong?” her 3 year old daughter Eva asked from the doorway.
Dianne wiped her eyes quickly, opening her arms for the girl who walked over, cuddling into her mum.
“I'm okay sweetie, you need to go back to sleep.” she said softly, placing a kiss on her head.
“Where Doey?” Eva questioned, meeting her mum's gaze.
Dianne silently cursed, she completely forgot that Joe had promised Eva a bedtime story that night.
“Joey won't be here for a while.” she replied, as simply as she could.
Eva was about to reply when a yawn escaped her lips.
Dianne thanked the lord as she lifted the girl up and carried her back to her room.
She tucked her in, placing a kiss on her forehead.
“Good night princess.”
“Night mama.” Eva whispered, her eyes shutting and a quiet snore escaping her lips.
Dianne smiled at the sight of her sleeping daughter before heading back into the living room and collapsing back onto the sofa.
The memories of the day played back through her head.

“Di, I'm so sorry I forgot, I'll make it up to you.” Joe said, tears pricking his eyes.
Dianne sighed, rolling her eyes.
Joe had yet again gotten caught up in editing and been late for their date night at hers the night before.
“Thats what you said the last two times Joe.”
“Well, I have a job Dianne.”
“Oh rack off, you sit in your room in front of a camera.”

As usual, things only escalated from there.
Dianne took one last look at Joe before storming out of his apartment.
She checked her watch, she would have to collect Eva from preschool in half an hour.

She unlocked the door to her apartment, reapplying her makeup and her smile.

That night, after Dianne had put Eva to bed, she changed into shorts and one of Joe's hoodies.
She regretted everything she had said.
It was in the spur of the moment.
She hadn't meant any of it.
With Christmas just around the corner Dianne was stressed out of her mind from extra training for the Christmas special, buying presents and making time for Eva.

Usually while she was at training, Joe looked after her. Ever since he had taken up the role of her father, things were normal, good even, for Eva and Dianne.
But over the last few months Joe and Dianne had been arguing over even the littlest of things.

Luckily, Eva hadn't noticed the changes in Joe and Dianne's relationship and they tried to keep things as normal as possible for the little girl.

Dianne jumped as her phone suddenly blew up.
She checked the time.
She had been so worked up about the argument she had forgotten the date.
This day 2 years ago, Joe had announced their relationship to the public.
Dianne sighed, the tears flowing again.
Joe was the last partner she had had, as when Eva turned two, Dianne decided not to have a partner so they could spend more time together.

She remembered how calm Joe had been when he found out that Dianne had a one year old.
How happy he was to meet her, then as just her mum's dance partner but 2 months later as her mum's boyfriend and then a father.
Dianne wiped her tears away, tidying up and heading to bed.

She awoke the next morning to thousands of notifications.
She had expected a lot due to it being the anniversary but this was a lot more.
She went onto twitter, instantly seeing what it was all about.

Joe Sugg - Just posted a song I put together in the early hours of the morning, I mean every word of it. I need us back. Merry Christmas and happy anniversary ❤️
And then a YouTube link.
Dianne clicked on the link, Joe's voice filling her bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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