Meet My Parnets

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It's been a month since Flash's taught Twilight how to fly which she got very good at and Shining nice surprise visit. Twilight decide it was time for Flash to meet her parents, so she send them a letter.

Dear mom and dad

I would like to come over for dinner I will be bringing my coltfriend Flash sentry. He is a royal guard at the Crystal Empire; we will be coming with his parents as well so you can meet them.

Love, Twilight.

"Ok spike send it" said Twilight

The next day she got a letter from her parents.

Dear Twilight

We are delighted to receive your new coltfriend for diner along with his parents; we are looking forward to meet them. Tomorrow night we'll all have dinner together with shining Armor and Cadance.

Love, mom and dad

As Twilight finish the letter she went to see if Flash was free with his parents, Flash and his parents are all free for tomorrow night so Twilight send her parents a letter that they were coming over. The next night Twilight meet Flash at Canterlot with his parents and they all flied to Twilight's parents' house.

"Hello mom, Dad" as she hugged both her parents

"Hello Twilight" as they both kisses her

"Mom, Dad this is Flash Sentry" as she pointed her hoof

"It's nice to meet you" as he shake they hooves

"Hello Flash I'm Twilight Velvet and this is my husband Crescent moon" as she smiled

"And I would like you to meet my parents Flare Sentry and Sunrise" as he let both parents meet each other.

"Hello it's nice to meet you" as both parents shake hooves

When the door bell ring, as Twilight open the door she saw Shining and Cadance.

"Hello B.B.B.F.F" as she hugged her brother

"Cadance sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake! " as they both laugh.

"Cadance you remember Flash" as she pointed to him

"Of cause I do" as she smiled

"Princess I would like you to meet my parents" as he let his parents browed

"Please they no need for that" as she shake her hoof "You will be family one day!"

"Cadance it's that a bit too soon" as Twilight look embarrasses along with Flash.

"Ya Cadance they just started dating" as Shining didn't look with joy of knowing that Twilight will get married.

"Ok everypony diner is ready" as Twilight Velvet clap her hooves

As they all sat down and started to eat a delicious diner, Twilight Velvet ask how Twilight and Flash meet.

"Well after I came back from the other world I bump into him" as she was lost in taught.

"And a few days later we bump into each other again" as Flash continued for her "And then we started talking and the rest is history" as Flash also lost in taught.

"How sweet it's almost how we meet, right Crescent moon" as she posed her hoof on his

"So Twilight" as Shining leaned forward "is Flash good to you?"

"Of cause Shining, stop asking" as she raise her tone

"Just asking Twily" as he closed his eyes

"Flash do you like being a royal guard?" as Crescent moon toke a bit of his diner

"Yes I do, I love my job" as he smiled "But when I first enrolled I never taught I would be dating a beautiful princess" as he look at Twilight eyes.

"Ok Flash I think we get it" as Shining look annoyed

"Oh Shining just leaves it alone" as Cadance kick him

"So Twilight are we going to have any grandponies" as she smiled

"Mom...not so fast" as she stared at Flash while blushing "We're not even married"

"Ya son, when are you going to marry?" said Flare

"Dad! We didn't even have our first anniversary" as he got redder

"Oh Flare, give them some time" as she elbowed him

"Hum could we talk about something else? " as Flash waved he hoof

"So shining how things in the crystal empire? " as Twilight changed the subject for him

"Things are doing just fine Twily" as Shining smiled

Twilight and Flash try to change the subject, but failed both parents keep talking about their children embarrassing moments, grandponies and how cute they were. After a long diner they all left the table to have dessert.

"Flash do you want some cake?" as she held the knife with her magic

"Sure Twilight" as he walk up to her

As she was about to cut the cake, Flash trip over the carpet and fell onto Twilight. As everypony looked at Flash who have fell on top of Twilight.

"Hold on son wait in-till your alone to do that!" said Flare

"It's not what you think, DAD!" as he stand up, and help Twilight up while blushing like crazy.

"Yea it's not what you think, we just trip" as she blushed

"Looks like Flash bump into Twilight this time" as Cadance smiled "it's that funny shining? "

"Ya funny!" as he stared at Flash "Sentry can I talk to you?" as he put his hoof around his neck

"Hum sure" as he nervously followed him

"What was that Sentry" as they were far enough

"I...I...just....trip sir" as he tried to answer

"Well I hope it's was that!" as he put his hoof on his chest "I do know if you get married to my sister, you will be doing...well...that"

"No sir I will have never done that! Were not even married" as he hesitated

"Good!" as he lower his hoof "Try not to do it again!"

"Yes sir, I won't" said Flash

"Flash?, Flash? Flash where are you? "as they heard Twilight calling

"Hum I should go meet up with Twilight" as he slowly back away

As Flash was walking away he look back to see Shining still looking at him.

"Flash?" as Twilight walk around the house

"Over here Twilight" as he waved his hoof

"Flash, where have you been?" as Twilight kissed him

"I just went to the bathroom" as he lied "What up? "

"Your parents are leaving" as she turn around

"Well I think is time to leave" as he smiled

As Flash, Twilight, Sunrise, Flare, Shining and Cadance all said they goodbyes to Twilight velvet and Crescent moon. They all arrived at the train station and said goodbye to Flash's parents and Shining and Cadance.

"Goodbye Cadance, shining armor" as she hugged them both

"Goodbye Twilight" as they both entered the train

"Take care Flash" as Shining smiled before he followed Cadance

"Goodbye Twilight" as he hugged her

"Goodbye Flash ill miss you" as she kiss him on the lips

"All abroad to the crystal empire!" as the train conductor screamed

As they kiss one last time, Flash boarded the train and left to the crystal empire. Twilight boarded her train to Ponyville.

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