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skylar and her friends were sitting in their usual spot in the cafeteria when they heard laughing and cat calls from mariano's table.

"looks like another one of them broke a girl's heart. why do guys bet on us like we're some game?" jackie rolls her eyes, taking a sip of her water.

they continued their talk about how much of assholes guys are, daniel and mikey completely agreeing, while mar's friends were praising him.

"i swear i can get with anyone." mar grinned at his guys.

"oh really?" his best friend samy questioned. "how bout we try someone harder?"

"like who?" mar asked.

"well," samy eyed skylar. "how bout her."

mar watched as she ran her hand through hair and talked to her friends. her eyes began to wander, eventually landing on mar. they made eye contact and mar smiled at her. she rolled her eyes and continued her talk with her friends.

"alright, you get yourself a deal. drop her by prom how bout that?" he grins.

"forreal? prom? you're gonna take all year for her?" ash chuckled.

"gotta make my last year enjoyable."

eight period - chemistry

mr. lee, skylar's favorite teacher was talking to the class about some things they'd be doing this year. he explained how every year he'd have the seniors do a moving forward project. nothing that would be graded, just a project of their choice explaining what they'd do with their life out of school.

"it doesn't have to involve chemistry, or any type of science at all. it can simply be a essay. whatever you all want it to be." he said enthusiastically. he glanced at skylar who caught on and gave her best shot at looking all enthusiastic about it too.

the bell finally rung and everyone left the classroom, skylar followed the crowd and went to her locker.

"what're you gonna do for your project?" a deep voice asked from behind her. she furrowed her eyebrows and turned to face the male. seeing it was the one guy she disliked most, she just rolled her eyes and turned around closing her locker.

"what do you want mariano?"

"i'm having a party on friday and it'd be nice if you came. you can bring your friends and everything." he gives her a smile which causes her to let out a laugh.

"funny, i'll see you around." skylar walks past the male, making sure to sway her hips.

"i'll see you at 8 on friday then?" he yells.

"eh don't hold your breath," she chuckles and turns around shrugging, but keeps walking backwards, "or do actually."

mar licks his lips watching as the girl turns back around, continuing to sway her hips. skylar was most definitely one to tease.

just a game | mariano castanoWhere stories live. Discover now