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Shoved down onto the smooth leopard skin rug, her body made a soft thump. Her eyes still pouring down tears of sorrow as she attempted to wipe them away. Seungnyang felt as if her entire body was numb and her heart ached with such ferocity that she clutched her chest with her nails imprinting on her skin. Pain evident on her still made face, causing her to look more fragile and lovable in the eyes of Dang Kise.

Chuckling, he knelt down and whispered in her ear, "If you continue seducing me, who knows whether you'll be a able to see the sun for the next few days."

Disgust flashed through her eyes and a hint of coldness exuded from her body. She pushed Kise away with all her strength and stood her ground firmly. Glaring daggers at him and wishing for him to just die already, Seungnyang was unaware that her appearance now seemed more striking and fierce - stimulating Kise's urge to possess her even further.

"You perverse lecher! Wait and see how I will dispose of you. I will never, and I stand by this, never become yours. As soon as my lord is free, I will make your life misery!" Seungnyang defended herself, inching herself away from the man beside her. She felt a myriad of emotions overcome her like waves. Fear, anger, disgust and dread. All attacking her one after another.

Meanwhile, Dang Kise's deep chuckle showed how amused he was by her little speech. This is what he wanted. He wanted her feistiness to show. He didn't care if he was hit by her a million times, he loved it when she did. He wanted to break her in.

In the other tent, where Wang Yo was tied up, Yeom Beomgyu walked in with a flutter of the tent flaps. Looking down at the supposed king in front of him, he thought up a plan. He certainly would never allow Seungnyang to be wedded to Dang Kise. What if the man killed him for disrespecting his wife and her father. After all, if Seungnyang were to become Dang Kise's favoured concubine, Beomgyu was sure that the man would do anything for her.

"Well, well, well. The mighty king of Goryeo, you look so pitiful now." Mocked the traitorous ex General.

"Yeom Beomgyu! Shut your mouth! You are nothing more than a useless pawn to these Yuan rats. Power? Riches? Authority? Do you really think that they'd give this all to you? Scum, absolute scum!" Wang Yo roared, using his every might to untie himself from the ropes that binded him like a pig on a spit. He wanted nothing more to kill Yeom Beomgyu, Dang Kise and that wretched shell of a prince from Yuan.

"My, my... my king. You really shouldn't be saying that. You see, if this were Goryeo. I would still never be able to outshine General Ki or that bitch Seungnyang. I'd be stuck in the same position, but with Yuan, I could be something bigger than both of them. So what if I betrayed my country! It was useless in the beginning! I don't want to be confined in that small cesspit. Nothing would ever come out of my hard work!"

Wang Yo felt his head spinning. The anger, humiliation and hurt that he had endured was ultimately built up within him. This burning, heart-wrenching pain was emerging and growing from a small puddle to a large lake. His face felt warm and his eyes saw red. He vowed to take revenge in any way possible, with his fist scrumpled up. Lifting his head to look into the eyes of Yeom Beomgyu, he spat onto his face.

"Aish!!! You bastard!" He slapped Wang Yo across the face, " You'll pay for what you just did! But it doesn't matter right now. I want you to take Seungnyang and leave the camp. I don't want her to ruin what I've just built up. Consider this my parting gift from your small little country." Wiping the spittle off his face with evident disgust.

" Is this a trap or are you serious? Tell me!" The king asked skeptically.

" Look here. We both don't want Seungnyang to be with Dang Kise. So I have a proposition. I let you and her leave, in order for my position to be guaranteed."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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