Chapter Four

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So at first I wasn't sure what I was going to do with this but I finally came to a decision.Sorry it took so long to upload but i've been having a lot of stuff going on then I couldn't decide where I wanted to go with this.Then I remembered I have to make it to ten chapters.So anyways..This chapter is mostly George but i'll throw in a bit of Larry near the end for you??Kay?:) But enough of me.Here you go..



My eyes fluttered slowly open and I groaned softly.I shifted to get comfortable and fall back asleep but it was then I realized I was in a bed.At first I thought it was my bed and expected dad to walk in then everything hit me.

My eyes shot open and I winced at the bright light before rubbing my eyes.I felt something in my arm and looked down at it.It was a hospital IV.What the fuck?I blinked my eyes open again.Everything was a blur at first but then it cleared out.

I looked around, confirming that I was in a hospital.

"Your awake!"Someone said happily and I turned to see a girl walking into my room.From her outfit I guessed she was a nurse.She was probably in her late twenties,brown curls that bounced down her back and warm brown eyes.

"My name is Eleanor and I'm your nurse for your visit."She grinned at me and I frowned at her.I yawned and she nodded.

"You'll be a little tired from what  we have you on for the pain."She said,walking over after the blinds were up and began checking around on things.I frowned up at her still.

"What..What happened?"I asked,confused why I was in a hospital.Why would I be in a hospital?I can't remember anything that would cause me to have to go here.I closed my eyes tightly before opening them back up.Last thing I remembered I was taking my sleeping pills to get some sleep.

"You overdosed on sleeping pills.You have to stay a few nights.Standard for suicide attempts."I choked on my air and looked at her in shock.

They thought I was trying to kill myself?I looked at her before I looked away.The thought didn't seem so horrible at the moment.What's escaping a world where i'm all by myself.Why would I want to live that.I shook away my thoughts.I can't think like that.

"Whatever."I mumbled,looking down at my hands,playing with my fingers.She sighed,saying something else that I tuned out before nodding and walking out.

I felt bad for ignoring her but I just needed to be alone right now.Maybe this was a good thing.I was suicidal and I was sick.I just needed a bed and some food.I would just have to sneak out tomorrow night.

I nodded at my plan with a grin before looking around.I bit down on my lip and leaned back into the bed with a small sigh.I just wanted to go home.

It's all i've been thinking about.Home,dads,fighting,home,home,home.I just needed to go home.But I couldn't,right?This was the right thing to do.I relaxed into the warm bed and closed my eyes.I thought back to the first time they'd ever fought.

I woke up to loud thunder and looked at the window in fear.Though I was in my teenage years I was terrified of thunder storms.I hated them.I sniffled and stood,jumping as the thunder echoed throughout the house again and I whimpered,rushing out.

"Fuck you Louis!"I heard daddy Harry shout and I flinched away from the door.I heard Lou shout something back but the thunder covered it up.Why were they fighting?

I've heard them have arguments before but never actually fight like this.I sniffled and looked at the door again.

"It's no my fault you don't have a job Harold!"I heard daddy Lou almost scream and then a growl,which was probably from Harry.

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