Chapter 35

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Arjun wished his mother good morning as he went to take the cup of coffee from the kitchen. 

"Good morning beta, how is Meera? Did she sleep well?" She asked, she knew how stressed out Arjun had been about meera lately, he didn't show it but the incident had made a huge impact on him. 

"She is okay Maa and sleep seems to be getting better and better" He said giving his mother a smile, Aakash was standing there reading the newspaper on the table, Arjun came from behind and put a hand on his shoulder, "Aakash, how is Divya?" 

"She is pretty good bhai, even with the medication and all stopped, she is perfectly okay" Aakash explained enthusiastically, 

"How are you here early morning, did you decide to exercise or something?" Arjun teased him 

Aakash rolled his eyes, "Here to take a glance at the newspaper cuz after that it has to go to your darling wife!" 

"What should I do! that's the only way to keep her in bed! or she'll jump out and reach the kitchen in a minute! god knows what obsession she has with the news, she needs to know the sensex instantly, the gold rate instantly! fuel hike instantly! my god, aafat ka toofan  phew" Arjun explained his annoyance 

"obviously, she is Arjun Goenka's wife, she has to be one in a million and Whatever it is bhaiya, you seem to be totally twirling with this toofan" Aakash winked, Arjun lightly pressed Aakash's shoulders and walked to his room with the newspaper


"Please let me come to the office!" Meera whined like a kid as she lay in bed "Please please please Arjun" she tried to Annoy him as he tied his tie. 

"Meera you know I am not going to say a yes, and you're fired remember" Arjun teased her

"khadoos" meera muttered, she had gotten to say it after a really long time 

"What did you say?" Arjun turned to her and raised his eye brows threateningly as he tried to control his smile while Meera sniggered. 

"Please take me with you, I miss my work" Meera said pouting.

"and what are you going to do with your hand fractured? Work with your toes? Oh wait no, even that is fractured" Arjun said derisively as Meera groaned. She went for the x ray of hand and also found out there that her toe was fractured. She humphed and while taking the news paper from her bed side added, "You know you take so much time to tie one tie" 

Arjun looked in the mirror and smiled, he took time to tie his tie so he could get to have a proper conversation with Meera in the mornings. His last 2 weeks with Meera's morning anecdotes had been wonderful, it made him miss her less in the office. 

"ED raids house of senior executive of Go-" Meera read aloud and stopped in the middle turning to look at Arjun, she then continued, "Goenka Constructions Satish Awasthy" she looked at Arjun really surprised and saw him smiling, she gasped. 

"Arjun!" she called out, "you knew about this?" 

"Of course not, why will I know about it" Arjun pretended innocently 

"Oh my god, you had it done!" Meera gasped in amazement and saw another smile escape Arjun  

"no meera it's the enforcement directorate,how can I get it done" He said innocently 

She gasped again, "You liar! look here, look here Arjun" Arjun turned himself around and gave her a wide grin. 


"I didn't do anything, the ED were on the look out for someone, so I just helped them" He said pretentiously, scratching behind his ears, Meera felt a feeling of satisfaction reading that the man's bank accounts were frozen, properties were seized and he was under police custody for ED too. He was completely ruined. 

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