When you came out

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-Not in a bad way
-He'd be interested in
your stories and
asks a few questions
-Supports you 👌🏻

-A little flustered at your
sudden confession
-Would ask a lot
of questions
-If you're ok with it of course
-Supports 100%

-Would be curious about
how it feels for you
-Asks questions like "When
did you realise?" Or "How did
you feel?"
-Would assure you you
don't have to feel bad
about it if you do

-Wouldn't really care
about your sexual orientation
-He likes you as a person
-That's all that matters
-Will listen to you
if you want to talk about it

-Wasn't expecting you to
come out when you said
you wanted to talk
-But he doesn't judge you
about it
-Will support you of course

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