Chapter 22

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Chaewon's POV:

I saw the letters on WonJi's locker.

After she went inside, I followed her and just stayed in the dark to avoid being seen by her.

I just hope she'll be fine.

I followed her in her classroom and saw that she just hung her head low.

I guess she is still upset about the letters.

A group of students made their way to WonJi's seat and asked for her autograph. I smiled knowing that she is happy that there are wizones here in her room.

After the mini meet and greet, the teacher arrived and started to teach.

A few hours and a few classes passed by and it was now lunch.

I forgot that Yujin goes to school here too. And also Minju.

I saw the two of them at the cafeteria having a mini meet and greet.

I guess WonJi didn't know that Yujin and Minju go to school here since we really don't talk about school.

She just passed by the large crowd and made her way to a table alone.

Just after WonJi took out her lunch and was eating it, a group of people went to MY WonJi and said mean things to her.

Im guessing they were the people who placed those mean letters in her locker.

I need to do something fast.

I look at Yujin and Minju still busy with the mini meet and greet.

I went over to those two and scared them.




Both of them whined.

"Shh... Jiwon is introuble with some people over there *pointing at Jiwon*, they placed mean letters in her locker just this morning and it looks like they are provoking Jiwon." I whispered.

"Wait, Unnie, Jiwon goes to school here? And why are you here? How did you know that? *gasp* Unnie, are you stalking Jiwon?" Minju asked.

I sigh. Minju is really talkative.

"I stayed around with Jiwon and I followed her to see if she would have trouble. Now go to her, she can't know im following her." I whisper back.

The both of them went to Jiwon, I saw the peoole talking to Jiwon became nice all of the sudden.

I looked at Jiwon, she looked surprised that Minju and Yujin was there.

My little WonJi was just hanging her head low.

I know she doesn't like trouble.

Im really feeling sorry for her.

I heard Yujin ask the group of students who they were and the students just said that they were My WonJi's friends.

I rolled my eyes.

Ofcourse they didn't belive that lie.

I stayed until Minju and Yujin took the students into the students to the principals office.

A few more hours and classes passed and it was the end of school.

Yujin and Minju bid goodbye to WonJi and I went back to my car.

I went to where WonJi was waiting for me and picked her up there.

When she saw me, she just showed her cute little smile.

"Unnie, you got here fast." She said while getting in the car.

"Yeah, I was nearby since I wanted to pick you up without you waiting long." I answered with a smile while accelerating the car.

We stayed quiet.

It wasn't awkward quiet, instead it was more of a comfortable quiet.

I really love this girl beside me.

We arrived back at the dorm and I told her to do her homework since I knew that she had homework on all of her subjects because I was following her.

I saw her went into her room and maybe she's changing.

I went to the kitchen to cook her Cheese Dagkalbi.

I facetimed Chaeyeon-ah.

"Unnie! Do you know how too cook Cheese Dagkalbi?" I ask her.

"Chaewon-ah, you know you can call me Chaeyeon right? But the answer to your question is yes. Why?" She replied.

"I want to cook it." I replied back.

"Ok, now, just follow my instructions."

I followed all that she said and it took me 1 hour to finish.

I cooked some rice and dinner was served.

I thanked Chaeyeon-ah for helping me cook.

We ended facetime and I went into WonJi's room.

I knocked but no one answered.

I knocked again and still no one.

I yelled at the door that im coming in.

Once I opened the door, I saw WonJi sleeping with her pajamas, on a desk with an undone homework and a dropped pen.

I guess she was tired.

I shook her shoulders and she slowly opened her eyes.

She asked what time it was and it was 6 pm and was just time for dinner.

She rubbed her eyes and stood up only to fall again.

Good thing I caught her.

I placed the back of my hand on her forehead and she was burning up!

She has a fever.

I just guided her to the bed and told her to stay there and that I would bring the food to her.

Maybe she got too stressed since her exam was coming up and she had 2 theisis to finish before the exam.

She also had homework to all the subjects.

I guess stress really loves WonJi.

She is still young but she is much more stressed than I am.

I actually want to spend as much time as possible with WonJi before that happens.

Im feeling very sorry for her.

But ofcourse I won't let that happen to her.

I will make sure of it.

I went out to get WonJi's food and placed it onto her lap and fed her.

"Unnie, you don't have to you know, it's just some stupid fever."

"It's not some stupid fever WonJi, besides, I know I don't have to, but I want to. Now eat up and I will give a letter to your teacher saying you have a fever. Don't worry my little Wonji, im gonna take care of you."

"Thanks so much Wonchae unnie."

"Don't thank me Wonji, I should be thanking you. For showing me how to love and to take care of other people. I guess Izone has a part with that but mostly it's you. It has always been you."

1:53 am July 1 2020

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