A to Z Dating | George Mackay

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Affection (how you show your affection)
George always makes sure you know he loves you and cares for you. He would simply either tell you or demonstrate it to you with gifts or lots of kisses. You are pretty much the same when it comes to showing your affection towards him. You can't go a day without telling him "I love you."

You both are not that big of screamers. Whenever you two would argue, you would stay there not saying anything to each other, just thinking. Then, you would interlock fingers and look in each other's eyes. You would then talk it out and figure out a solution.

Body (what body part you like the most about each other)
George loves your face. He loves every face you make; when you laugh, when you sing or even when you're focused... George also likes when you smile with those small cute dimples forming in your cheeks. This was enough to make him smile, just being in the same room with you brings him happiness. You enjoy his hair the most! You find it restful to just lie down with him in between your legs while you're playing with his soft
hair talking about everything.

Caring for each other
Caring for each other is important for both of you. You make sure he eats every day before he goes to work and after when he comes home to you. You make sure he sleeps well, mostly because of all his late shootings which cause him to come back home late at night. He makes sure you take good care of yourself as he hates to see you with bruises when you back from your shift as you are a bit clumsy.

You knew when something was on his mind as he would not pay lots of attention to you or anything you would say to him, only replying with an "mhm" which would kind of irritate you. You would not talk too much about your problems, thinking you might annoy him with all your bullshit. He did always find a way to reassure you that he loves listening to you talk.

Dislike about each other
You hate that he can't admit any of his faults and admit he is wrong when he argues, but it doesn't change how you see him. You learned to love every bit of him. George mostly hates that you're so chill about everything in life while he's stressing over a few things. Well, he doesn't hate it, he admires it, for a matter of fact. George claims he loves every single detail about you.

Engagement (How he proposed)
George is the romantic type of guy so obviously he did everything in his power for the proposal to be perfect. He had a plan to take you out to eat at your local food truck and after, you would walk alongside the nearby park and that is when he would ask you.

Family (do they like him)
His family loves you, mostly his sister. Whenever you would visit, you would frequently pass your time with her.

He loves giving you gifts. It's his way of saying 'I love you' to you. He just wants to remind you that way. You're just like him, you prefer giving to him than receiving from him.

How you met
You guys met at a small reading Cafe. He was sitting at a table absorbed by his book and a cup of tea next to him. You walked into the cafe seeing not many people, but then he caught your attention and you found him attractive. You gathered all your courage and went to talk to him. You talked for a long time until he had to go and you exchanged numbers. Before he left, he looked at you and said he wanted to see you another time.

You try to do it pretty often, but yet again, he's not always home. But when he is, you're pretty much always in bed.

He doesn't get jealous pretty easily. You can talk to another guy and he'll be fine with it as he trusts you. He intervenes only if a guy's hitting on you. It's the same thing for you.

For some people, it might be weird but he likes to try new things with you. For example, he once tried blindfolding you, just like in Fifty Shades, and you both enjoyed it. He always makes sure you're okay with everything he does.

Like about each other
Your eyes. George loves your eyes. He just loves staring at them and getting lost in them. He loves everytime you look at him with love and passion in your eyes.

Moving in
You would always have to go to his apartment to pick your things up as you forgot about them the last time you visited. Your stuff found their way to his apartment pretty quickly. So he eventually asked you to move in with him instead as almost all of your things were at his place.

Nights (what happens during the nights)
You would often just be on Facetime or when he's home, you would do some activities together to make up the time lost away from each other.

Open to each other
George is pretty much open, but he just doesn't talk to you that much as he's out of town pretty often. You try to call each other as often as you can, but it's hard.

He's not a fan of PDA and so are you. He doesn't do anything as there are always paparazzi or fans everywhere and he doesn't want to attract you into this as you don't like that.

Quality time
To make up the time lost away from each other, you dance the night away or talk about everything with a bit of alcohol. You love it when he reads any book to you as you love to hear his voice.

Reproduction (do you want kids)
George wasn't sure, but then he met a little child at the beach who lost his parents and needed help to find them. He found the child extremely cute and decided to have one of his own. You do want kids but like 3 or 4 maximum.

Surprise (what surprises both of you about each other)
You're mostly surprised about his experience in bed. It surprises you that he always wants to try new things, which you like by the way. He's surprised that you like his voice that much and also his hair as you frequently play with it.
Together (what you do together)
Lots of things, like dancing, singing, reading, walking or even just cuddling on the sofa.

Under influence (drunk vibes)
He becomes even more hilarious while still being cute when he's drunk. You always have to take care of him when he's tipsy. You become a monster, an eating monster. You want to eat like nothing before.

He takes you with him when he travels away whenever he can. It makes a little vacation for both of you. But when you are on a real vacation, are inseparable as you don't get to spend most of your time together.

You haven't decided yet on when the wedding is going to be. You can't wait for sure but you need to plan everything.

Xray (when he's/you're hurt)
He once got hurt when filming 1917 and had to go to the hospital. He sprained his ankle while walking through the mud as it was all mushy.

You (random headcanon)
I cant find one sorry
They are too long the ideas that I have.

Zzzzz (sleeping routine)
He usually reads a book with you and you fall asleep shortly after in his arms. When he's away filming, you both fall asleep on facetime.

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