
66 3 4

1st semester

Grade 11

2 words to describe it:

Eye opening.

I know I'm young but these months of Hard courses,
Tough love and
Certain people
Made me realize a few things:

To the guy who asked so many questions out loud in physics,
You get two thank you's.
One thank you is for helping me understand what the work of friction actually does, and
The other is for making me aware that I need to speak up more.
For myself,
For what I believe in,
For a question about a physics assignment.

To the girl who sits in front of me in math and
Thinks she knows everything,
I'm sorry honey but you made me see that this world is too big to know
We have so much more to learn and
To see and
Many more people to meet.

To my best friend,
"let your faith be bigger than your fear"
You taught me that.
To do something without being scared of what someone else thinks of you.
To do what you believe in.
To try new things and
Get out of the comfort zone.
Thank you.

To my family,
Thank you for teaching me that you can do something for someone without having to tell everyone you did it.
If you feel happy with what you did and The other person appreciates what you did,
You're the only two who have to know.

I also realized you really can learn a lot in 4 months.

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