The color blue is a very weird color. Every time I look at it I feel sad inside like the thought of my dead dogs name popping up. It has that feeling that just makes you want to think of something sad and start to cry. Which is weird because why would want to think of a sad moment just to cry. I never got that color why it is so depressing and sad. I know someone that loves that color, she must really like crying and thinking of sad moments. She probably doesn't think that same way about that color, I think she probably thinks of the sky or the beautiful ocean. Well the ocean isn't really that beautiful it's dark and scary, full of sharks and other creepy things. I don't even know why she would think it's like a huge rainbow that covers most of earth.It's kind of like my life but opposite. When people think of life family, beauty, and happiness pops up, but they forget the struggle that comes out of it. Yes, there is a lot of beauty in a life time, but there is so much pain that is in everyone's life time.
I am scared, concerned, hilarious, creative, and thoughtful or thats what I think. Most of my life I have been told that I was caring and thoughtful and since my life has been turned upside down I'm not told that as much as I used to. My mother and my cousins still tell me this but not my friend or siblings. I feel like I lost most of that caring in me since I have had problems with one of my family members. Or maybe I'm just over exaggerating about the whole deal. I don't know what is going on in my head I just know I am thinking crazy.
I have relized that I am thinking crazy about the whole thing so why don't I just tell you who I am then we will go on from there.
I am Jolin. I am skinny and tall for my age, which is very strange. I am probably taller then a 17 year old which is really really weird. I probably look like a 20 year old to you. When I am 20 I probably look like a 30 year old. Urg. For hair wise it is darkish lightish brown color. It is like a rock brown color were it looks faded but is really brighter then any other dark brown you will see. I color my hair with a different peice of my hair colored every year. So really my hair is that brown color with a purple thin peice of hair on the right side of my head, that is not even the noticable. My skin is like dust color not that pretty. Brown and tan mixed to a dusty look that matches the hair in some way.

The Fallen Star
General FictionA young girl living in Federal Way, Washington trying to figure out were she belongs and why things are changing in her mind, family, and heart. Her life was normal when she was little, then suddenly it kept getting difficult when she got older. She...