3_Black Rose

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Her eyes being opened Yeo Ruem finds herself lying in a hospital bed.
She finds her Dad walking ahead as if he was looking for something. Yeoruem calls him from behind but he doesn't look back. Yeoruem follows her dad. From the other side a moment later Mineun comes to the hospital  asking for his sister and father. Following a nurse he finds them both lying in hospital beds both severely bleeding.
. . . . . . . . . .
Unable to find them Yong returns to the hotel soaked in rain. As he asks to Mr.Ga about them. Seeing Mr.Ga's anxious face behind him he looks behind. He finds JinDok carrying her while her eyes are closed. As he walks to them he hears footsteps from behind Jin Dok. His eyes barely held the tears inside

he saw Min gang walking inside from the corridor and stopped behind JinDok

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...he saw Min gang walking inside from the corridor and stopped behind JinDok. Her body and soul in one place...she couldn't enter her body. Yong raises his voice and asks who had done that with her. Hearing him the others come to the hallway.In Jin Dok's silence Min Gang behind him begins to tells Yong,
"I took Jin Dok with me to find that guest.What I saw was beyond my imiganation. An old evil spirit devoured him in front of me. As I went to stop him he strangled me that caused my body and my soul to separate. Jin Dok found me and saved my soul from being devoured but my body is in a vegetative state so I can't. "
"You should've gone to the hospital. Why are you here?"

"Because there is something you should know. That evil spirit its Jae Wang, whom you went for to avenge his father a year ago. He is after you."

Yong without wasting a moment walks outside towards the corridor, Min Gang calls him.

"He has grown stronger over the years devouring souls you can't..."

"I know where to go. Stay in the hotel, I'll be back." Yong crosses her and walks outside.

In an old shabby neighborhood Yong walks inside an apartment. Reaching to the terrace he sees a man sitting on the ground by a fire wood. Around him a series of candle lighten. Standing by the door as Yong looked at the man he sees him chanting something closing his eyes while throwing ashes into the firewood. The color of the fire changes into blood red the candles around him gets blown by the force of the wind that he brought with the rituals. The fire rises, his eyes as white as a as a marble as he opened them.

"Long time no see, friend. Stop your voodoo we need to talk."

As Yong enters the terrace calling for him the ritual breaks, the fire, the wind disappears, the candles light back , his eyes turned back again.

"It took me 3 months to get the ritual right. I would have got that evil spirit I have been hunting so long and you had to barge in just in the middle of it.Did you miss me? Ahh..
You need my help Moon Yong Saeng why else would you be here."

"Jae Wang

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"Jae Wang. What do you know about him?"
Yong sees an unexpected smile on  his face.

"Jae Wang. He is a topic among the ghosts. I did a little digging and found that after you did the revenge thing a year ago he lost it and was later sent to the asylum, went bankrupt, committed suicide. Suicide, crimes like killing his father, devouring ghosts, sure he's gonna be a tough call and why would I  do that?"

"Kwon Sang'aa~ if you don't I may spill some tea to Mago. About your priest business, and how much you income from conning rich buckets.if I spill it I can have the business myself but I won't... you get me?"
He slightly slaps Sang's face and walks ahead.
"You comi'n or what?"
Sang curses him from behind that Yong listens and smiles, he follows him.
. . . . . . . . . .

Yeo Ruem tries to follow her father but she loses track of him.
She stands and looks ahead as far as she can. A black shadow from behind slowly moves ahead to grab her, in a split moment she finds it smacked away by a longhaired man with a brown briefcase. She looks behind startled.
"Don't worry, four eyes we got this."
Sang shaking his head flips his hair slightly with a grin in  his face. She sees another man on her leftside. She remembers him holding her the rain. Yong finds out that she is a soul of living person.
Without her realizing Yong pulls her hand, Sang follows.
They reach at the gate of the hotel. Yeoruem confused tries to get rid of his grip then bites his hand. Removing his hand Yong curses her moving his lips, Sang smiles looking at her gut.
" I saw my dad heading this way.I won't ask about what that thing was because i don't care.Where is my dad ?"
Finding no answer she goes inside the hotel to look for him.
"Look at our luck, the bait we  were finding to lure Jae Wang came to us on it's own."
"Wait here, I want to get this done on one go."
Yong walks to the direction where Yeoruem went, putting his briefcase by the table before him Sang sits on the couch over the lobby .
"What's with Sang Ajushshi?...wasn't that girl a  living soul?" Jin Eun behind the reception wonders the things happening before her eyes.
"Something's going on that we don't know." Mr.Ga replies to her.

"Dad, Dad..." Yeoruem finds her father in a beautiful garden inside the hotel. Her father looks behind with a smile, sees a black rose in his hand.
" Silly girl, what happened?"

"Dad,I called so many times...I was so worried?"

"You love black roses, I plucked one from that tree."
Min Jun points at the dead tree behind him.
Yeoruem running to her father hugs him,Min Jun fall to the ground due to an unknown pain.. Yeoruem constantly shakes her father. Min Jun gestures her that he was okay but she doesn't believe him. Not after seeing the blood dripping from the side of his head, she remembers the accident and begins to cry sitting over her knees behind him.
" Your father and you are both living souls dispatched from your bodies, halfway dead. Your father has touched the rose of the moon tree behind him, that caused the pain."
Yong walks to the moon tree to them as they look behind.
Yeoruem gets up standing infront of him.

"He is in pain.What kind of gibberish is this?"

"If you don't then don't believe but if you want I can save him."

"I want, please help me."

"Not like this. There is always an eye for eye, a teeth for a teeth.What are you willing to give?"

"Even my soul if you ask."

"Your soul is useless. I want a deal..."

She tilts her head for Yong to go ahead.

"You have to dedicate the rest of your life as manager in my hotel serving dead souls."

"No, take my life but I won't let you ruin her's."

Yeoruem looks at her father suffering from pain yet asking to save her instead of him.

"I will serve here, return him back to his body."

"Then we have a deal."

Yong walks to Min Jun, leaning to him he touches his forehead. Yeoruem sees her father vanishing into thin air.
Min Jun wakes up in a hospital bed by his son and his daughter unconcious over the bed beside him. The memories after the accident vanished as he woke up in his body.
Yeoruem sees a grin on Yong's face, a symbol that he kept his promise. Picking the rose from the ground he throws it to the direction of the tree then stands face to face with her. He removes her glasses from eyes putting them in his pocket, unties her ponytail. Her heart begins to pound like crazy looking into Yong's eyes. Yong grabs both her shoulders, she looks at him with her eyes open. At the moment he blows air into her eyes. Her vision blurs out for a second then she looks at him confused.
"What have you done to me?"

"You'll see." Yong replies with a deep tone and a grin on his face.

Hotel Blue Moon//(Del Luna sequel)/호텔 블루 문Where stories live. Discover now