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(I'm putting most of these up for adoption, meaning that you can use these ideas but you have to credit me)

"ROAR!" Bryan yelled as burnt down Jakey's house.
The other were begging him to stop while Kay was trying to stop them from stopping Bryan saying that this needs to happen. After a while Jakey had enough and tried a forbidden spell. Suddenly glitching appeared around Bryan. Bryan looked at his guildmates with tears in his eyes. That was when he disappeared from their world.
"Jakey what have you done?" Lo'pho asked.
"I'm sorry! I didn't know what else to do"said Jakey stuttering more then ever and with rivers of tears running down his face.
"This isn't supposed to happen…well not until later on"said F.Kay.

Jakey sent Bryan to the FNAF KIDS universe, restarting his life from the start. He had a cousin in this world by the name of Ersa Divil. He befriended  this worlds Kay and Mario and some new friends by names of Gizzy and Jon. One day while celebrating Kay's birthday when a man in a Springbonnie suit led them into the back room where he killed them. The Puppet animatronic placed their souls into the other animatronics.

One day the kids were bored out of their minds when suddenly the author's sister appeared.
"Who are you!?" Gizzy asked.
"I'm Aurelia the author's sister!"yelled Aurelia.
Kay asked why she was there.
"I'm here to reintroduce or reunite Bryan with the people from his original diamention"said Aurelia.
Jon said that he forgot Bryan said he was from a different world.

Aurelia when teleported the kids to a random room where they can talk to the wizards. Aurelia then grabbed Bryan's brothers(Mario, Mitch and Colin), Jakey and the guild leaders.
"Where are we!?"yelled Mitch.
The kids looked at them with widen eyes.
"Hey kids do you know what is going on?" Brandon asked.
The kids nodded their heads.

Suddenly Aurelia waved her wand and turned the kids back into humans.
"B-Bryan?" Jakey asked with tears in his eyes.
"Jakey I think he's from a different world"said Bri.
"Actually he is your Bryan but they you sent him into a different world you restarted his life"said Aurelia.
Jakey ran up to Bryan and hugged but only for Bryan to push him away.
"No stay away he's mine now!"yelled both FNAF Kay and Jon.
"I ain't dating neither you!" Bryan yelled.
Kay and Jon began to fight over Bryan.

"Help me, I seriously don't know how am I related to these people"said FNAF Mario in a soft voice.
Mitch asked why were they in fury suits, like if their parents forced them to where it or what.
"Yeah forced, I guess you can say that"said Gizzy unsurely.
That was when Colin noticed that the kids had blood all over their faces.
"Is that blood!? Or…"started Colin.
"Yes it is blood so what?"said Ersa with hatred in her voice.

This shocked the wizards.
"Are you kids alright?" Jakey asked while stuttering.
"No, we haven't been alright in a long time"replied Kay.
Ritchie asked them what they met by that.
"We're dead"said Bryan softly.
The wizards blinked multiple times trying to understand what Bryan said.
"We were murdered!" Jon yelled.
The wizards jaws fell to the floor.

"Ha! You kids are just saying that to scare us and you were just wearing that for fun"said Mitch.
This made Kay cry and made Ersa really angry.
"Mitch go apologize! You made her cry!" Michael yelled.
"Grr…fine! I'm sorry!"yelled Mitch.
Ersa could tell that Mitch was lying and took off………..................................

her arm and slapped Mitch with. She began to beat Mitch with it.
"Oh my lord! Kid are you okay!" Sliver asked.
"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that is my cousin Ersa and she has a prosthetic arm, leg and eye"said Bryan. 
The wizards became even more shocked.
"Guys I found a video you guys should watch, also you are not allowed to talk until the video is over"said Ersa.

"What the actually frick"said Mitch.
"We told you"said FNAF Mario.
Jakey fell to his knees crying saying that this isn't what he met to happen. Bryan just looked at him with pity in his eyes.
"I guess this is how life works"said FNAF Mario.
"But where is your Mario and Ersa?" FTO Mario.
"We didn't meet them until later on"replied Gizzy.
"I remember when we met Ersa for the first time was when she didn't have her prosthetics so that was very weird"said Jon.

"So guild leaders what do you think of the video?" Aurelia asked.
"I don't know what to think"said Bri.
"There must be a reason that your souls remained in this world"said Michael.
Jon said that there is and it is to kill our killer. FTO Mario asked if they actually did it. The kids nodded in response.
"I feel bad for the kids"said Sliver.
"I will kill the person that killed them"said Ritchie.
"I just feel plan out bad for them"said Brandon.

Aurelia forced Bryan and Jakey to talk  to each other.
"Is what their world Kay and this Jon person saying about dating  you, is that true?" Jakey asked while stuttering.
"I guess, nothing is official as yet and plus I have to chose between the two"replied Bryan.
"So who?" Colin asked.
Bryan just looked confused.
"Who are you going to chose?" Colin asked.

Bryan thought before answering while Kay and Jon got up close and personal. Mitch and Mario(dragon) looked angry as hell.
"Jon…?" Bryan said sure.
Kay looked like her whole world has just been broken while Jon looked looked like has happy as the day the Puppet killed William. Bryan saw that Kay was crying.
"This why didn't want to chose between you two, I didn't want to hurt any of your feelings"said Bryan.

The other dragon slayers looked at Jon angrily. Jakey looked a bit sad but he knew that he would no longer be able to date Bryan.
"What crazy world am I living in?" FNAF Mario asked.
"I don't know, hey Kay me and you can go on a date together"said Ersa.
"ALL HELL NO!" Kay yelled.
Kay knew that Ersa was only joking.
"Young love is beautiful but I know for a fact that these relationships don't last long"said Michael.

After a while Laurel returned the wizards and kids to their worlds.

(This is the result of a call with my friends and no Aurelia isn't my biological sister)
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