Kidnapped Again

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Sophie POV

"Honestly Biana, I think fifty-three dresses is enough," I said, rolling my eyes.

"There can never be too many dresses!" Biana shot back.



I sighed and helplessly watched Biana stuff five more extra poofy dresses into her bag. Sometimes, Atlantis was not my favorite place.

"Biana, please, fifty-eight dres-'' My sentence was abruptly cut off as hands grabbed my shoulders. I screamed and thrashed, and felt helplessly useless as Biana shouted my name. Honestly, how many times have I been kidnapped like this again? Four? Five? Seriously, can't you let a girl live her life? But of course, the answer was no because the next thing I knew, a needle sank into my skin and a wave of darkness crashed over me.

I woke up later to a bunch of shady guys in black cloaks surrounding me in a semicircle. They had a patch with an eye on their arms. I tried to move, but then realized that I was epically bound to a chair.


I had a prickly feeling that I should know who these weirdos were, but it just wouldn't come to me. It was right under my tongue. Maybe they were 'The Shady Weirdos That Got Nothing Better To Do But Capture An Innocent Girl.'

"Is this some sort of cult?" I asked.

A woman in a black cloak moved forward, clucking her tongue. "Miss Foster," she muttered.

"Yeah? What? Can you just take me back to San Diego please?"

At those twelve words, she smiled maniacally and murmured something about 'the washing machine being able to burst through my impenetrable mind.' Alright, so this girl had some issues.

"Actually, I have another idea for you," she stepped forward, holding something in her hand, and the next thing I knew, I was knocked out cold.

Percy POV

"Come on, Seaweed Brain, it's not that bad!" Annabeth said shoving a spoonful of that, disgusting, treacherous green muck. What was it called again? Broccoli?

"How about if you eat your vegetables, I'll give you some of that blue ice cream you love~"

"Never! I refuse to eat my vegetables!" I shouted.

"Fine!" And with that, she stormed off, leaving me alone at my table.

I frowned, feeling sad and very alone. Maybe I should get up and find her-I shook the thought away. That's what she wants! But no matter what she wanted, I couldn't ignore the fact that I was now sitting alone at my table, looking like an idiot. I decided that I should just wait for a bit and see if she came back on her own.

A few lonely minutes later, she came running back with an evil grin spread across her face. "Walk with me."

Knowing Annabeth, she most likely had an evil plan up her sleeve. But since I was lonely, I had no choice but to oblige. We walked out of the Dining Pavilion and up Camp Half-Blood Hill, the sun setting on the horizon. Once we got to the top, Annabeth pulled out something blue. When I looked closer, I realized it was a blue piece of broccoli. My eyes widened. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. It was like a blue tree! I could picture it now. A meadow full of blue trees, sitting on freshly rolling blue moorland. The blue grass was peppered in light blue flowers, and Annabeth was at my side, offering me a piece of beautiful, blue broccoli.

"Now, Percy. Would you like to eat your vegetables?" She mused.

I nodded and downed it in one gulp. When I looked up, I noticed something in the distance. As I squinted my eyes, I made out the shape of a figure. It was walking towards us slowly, and I immediately thought, monster. Annabeth seemed to notice it too, because she pulled out her drakon bone sword. I reached into my pocket and took out Riptide, and started fingering it absent-mindedly.

The figure came closer and once it started coming up the hill, I realized it was a blonde haired girl. Once she reached us, she said, "Hello,"

Sophie POV

I woke up on the bottom of a lush green hill in the middle of...somewhere. At the very top of the hill stood a pine tree with something large coiled around it. At first glance, it looked like a couple of cords. I squinted closer. Wait..Was that a dragon!?

"Awesome," I breathed.

I took in my surroundings and saw a bunch of tall buildings and skyscrapers. One of the buildings stood out from the rest. A huge building with a gigantic A printed on the front. I knew who this building belonged to. A playboy billionaire named Tony Stark. I sighed. This must mean I'm in New York.

I decided to walk up to the dragon around the pine tree-because seriously, it's a dragon-when I heard two trails of thoughts pop into my head. I looked around and noticed two figures at the top of the hill, not too far from the dragon. They hadn't seemed to notice me, and they seemed deep in conversation. Since I had nothing better to do, I decided to say hello and ask them for help. As I started moving one of the figures looked up from their conversation and seemed to have noticed me. He reached into his pocket and took something out.

Good job, Sophie. You're gonna die now. I thought.

But yet, I still trudged on. When I reached the top I said, "Hello?"

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