You sure you're Not a Monster?

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Annabeth POV

I studied the girl closely, my drakon bone sword at the ready. The girl had blonde hair and brown eyes with golden flecks. She looked about fourteen or fifteen. She looked like she didn't mean any harm, but as a daughter of Athena, I always had to watch out, and never trust someone new because they can always stab you in the back.

I looked at Percy, then back at the girl. He gave me a slight nod, his hands still fingering Riptide. "Hi. Who are you?" I questioned.

"I'm Sophie Foster. I woke up at the bottom of that hill like ten minutes ago. I need to get back to San Diego, my family is probably worried sick." The girl said, tugging out an eyelash.

"Percy Jackson," Percy said.

"Annabeth Chase," I added.

Percy and I shared a look. A girl waking up in a place on the other side of the country had to mean something. And usually that something wasn't good. It had to mean something else was brewing, and the gods most likely have a new plan.

Percy straightened his stance, and held out his hand. "Come on," he said. "Let's take you to Camp Half-Blood."

Sophie POV

They led me down the hill to this pavilion-looking-place where there were a lot of kids. They were at different tables and each kid at the same table seemed to have something in common. Like they were all related, which would be crazy because nobody could have that many kids. One table had a bunch of kids that were screaming bloody murder and were holding up a bunch of diet cokes and screaming "WE WON!" Was this the middle ages? Because these kids acted way too much like vikings.

One table table had a bunch of beautiful girls and boys that were giving each other fashion tips and doing each other's hair.

Oh boy, more shallow kids, I thought. More annoying thoughts about Chanel and other designer stuff from their heads.

Another table had a bunch of kids surrounding a map. They seemed to be discussing some sort of battle tactics because they were pointing at different places and muttering to each other.

Annabeth's voice shook me out of my thoughts. "So, since you're new, I'll tell you the basics. Basically, you're a demigod. You're a daughter of any of the gods or goddesses in greek mythology. Monsters will come after you out of the camp, so in here, you train. This place is a safe haven for all demigods."

"Wait," I said. "Did you say any of the greek gods? As in Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Aphrodite, etc?"

"Yup," she replied. "That's exactly what I said. If you're the daughter of a god or goddess, you will have some of the traits that the god or goddess has. For example, Percy here, is the son of Poseidon, so he can control water and breathe underwater."

When Annabeth said 'control water' I got a major feeling of deja vu. I felt like I knew somebody that could control water, but who? Also, why would I know somebody that can control water? I'm just a normal girl - actually scratch that. I'm a girl that's somehow able to read minds though I didn't ask for the burden, mind you. But anyways, I never even had any friends!

"Anyways," Annabeth continued, though something was off about her voice this time. It was like her accent changed. "You'll probably be claimed by the end of the day, so don't worry," she pointed south to where a bunch of cabins were in the shape of a square. "You'll then go to your rightful place in your godly parents cabin."

"Oh, okay. But when do I go to my cabin? Also, is there a curfew?" I responded, then realized that my accent changed too.

Annabeth looked at me in surprise. "Most demigods know some Greek naturally..but usually not that much. You're a natural, Sophie."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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