Another A/N cause yea XD

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Ok so me and friend HeyItsDecorsiaTDE
Made the bois Info cards so y'all know what the look like and shiz-
We had to do math So-

Character: Mason Cipher

Hair: Dark brown 

Eyes: Blue

Height: 5'5


Birthday: 10 / 9 / 2020

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Disease/mental health: Anxiety, 

Facial features: None

Piercings or earrings: Music note earring. 

Likes: Ben,Food, Drawing, making Ben mad, talking in Latin.

Dislikes: Ben getting in trouble, Jerks, getting mad, Not being able to get a Nip piercing 

A medium boi, who no like be mad Ù^Ú and only wears Ben's hoodie and a pair of Jeans (They be tight doe 737) (Lowkey Thicc doe)

Character: Ben the Broken Angel (HE JUST BE BEN DOE)

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Height: 6' 4"

Age: 19

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birthday: 12/25/2019

Gender: Male

Nationality: British

Disease/mental health: Pure Insanity, Anger Issues, ink.

Facial features: A very haunting scar below his left eye, from a fight in highschool.

Piercings or earrings: A cross, on his left ear, and a pair of devil horns on the right ear.

Likes: Mason, Mason's family when they're kind, and beating up people.

Dislikes: Getting caught by Mason's family, Mason yelling at him, 

Description: A tall evil boi, who only acts nicely around Mason. He usually wears a black jacket over a white T-Shirt that has 2 horns and a halo.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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