A h a h a h a
Cuz why not
Ah I think I need to say that I don't own any of the characters or something uhhhh but mias a real person so I definitely don't own her cuz why would anyone want to
(Nah jk Mia you're acceptable)
Hey hey hey Look who's back from the darkest pits of hell Hells pretty cool by the way Not as bad as people think Ok so I'm actually going to attempt at writing something that's not absolute trash I also just want to say again that I don't know shit about this show so yeah this is going half-assed shit that doesn't sound like complete trash Also my friend helped me edit this so thank you dude _________________________________
The brown-eyed female looked longingly at her superior, she let out a *sigh*. How could someone like him even glance in my direction? I have no chance with him. "Mia...? MIA!"
The female snapped out of her trance as her best-friend Illumi was calling her "Hmm? What is it Illumi?" Mia said with a sad smile plastered on her face. "You're staring a g a i n. I thought you said you'd stop daydreaming about that idiot". Mia heard a hint of jealousy in his voice but brushed it off thinking it was nothing. "I know I said that but just LOOK at him. He's just so...ugh even words can't explain his perfection."
"MIA, ILLUMI, do you have something you'd like to share with the class?" Hisoka shouted, "n-no sir I was just asking him what chapter we're on." Mia said flustered as fuck. "Mia..this is maths and we're currently taking an exam," Hisoka said with an unsatisfied look at his face "detention for the both of you. Someone go pick up their test and bring them to me."
"B-but sir we're not even halfway done" Mia stated, sounding worried. She had never failed a test, she had always kept a 4.0 GPA and wanted to keep it that way "Did I ask If you finished? Now someone please get their damn test, and Mia if you want to make up for this, stay after detention so we can t a l k"
The class erupted in 'oooh's while Illumi was giving his classmates the death glare. Illumi playfully hit Mia on the back saying "Haha you dumbass, looks like all that daydreaming did something for you"
With that, the bell rang and everyone rushed out of their seats to the next class. "Welp see ya in detention, dreamer." Illumi said playfully, hoping to cheer Mia up. "Ha, yeah you too" Mia said half-heartedly as she got up out of her seat and walked out of the door.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of the day was filled with nonstop worrying about what Hisoka meant by "we need to talk". Her next class was her foreign language class, Icelandic. She walked into the room and greeted her teacher with a "Halló'' along with a few of her friends and sat in the back of the classroom not wanting to be bothered by anyone else as she composed herself.
"Ok listen up class, today's assignments is to write a short story in Icelandic. It doesn't have to be good, you just need to write one. You can talk amongst your friends about it, and you can use the dictionary of course. You also won't be presenting these, so let your imagination run wild!!" The language teacher- Ms.Ryder-said. Mia knew exactly what to write. It was a short story she made to torture one of her friends, all she needed to do was translate it in Icelandic
"Þú ert svo sæt Damian " "Nei þú ert það, Levi" *kossar í íslensku tunglskini* Saeyoung sést sitja á bak við tvo ástfuglana, tár renna niður kinnar hans. „Ég er ánægður með að þú ert ánægður." Hægt og rólega dofnar engiferinn, síðasti svipurinn á andliti hans er ánægjulegur þegar hann sér brosið á vörum Damian. Levi veifaði Damian og Saeyoung af stað þegar þeir tveir keyrðu af stað út í sólarlagið og skildu hann eftir. „Ha," kyrkti hann því miður við sjálfan sig og snéri sér að hestinum sínum. „Ætli ástin sé í raun aðeins til ævintýra." Þegar hann hjólaði aftur til borgar sinnar fannst Levi aðeins verkir í hjarta sínu versna. ————————————————————— Sebastian Stan var einfaldur strákur. Hann stóð sig eiginlega aldrei svo mikið eða gerði neitt óvenjulegt. Hann var mjög fær í leiklist en það tók hann aðeins hingað til. Kannski þess vegna gat hann ekki fengið Damian til að elska hann. Kannski er það þess vegna sem hjarta hans sárt svo mikið. Þannig að hann fórnaði persónuleika sínum fyrir þann sem hann elskaði. Hins vegar féll hún fyrir mörgum öðrum mönnum sem stóðu sig úr. Menn sem voru stórkostlegir, lokkandi, myndarlegir, heillandi. Hvað var hann? Aðeins falsa .. ————————————————————— Zen grét aldrei. Svo af hverju .. af hverju var hann að gráta yfir einhverjum sem hann gæti aldrei verið með. „Damian .. ég-" Hann stansaði við að þefa, áður en hann hélt áfram í hvíslun, „ég vil bara vera þinn .." ————————————————————— Allir deyja. -The end
Mia was quite proud that she was able to translate her work in a quick and timely manner. She remembered one of her friend's reaction to the story, saying things like
Mia, of course, took immense satisfaction from her friend's response, for she liked playing with her emotions. While Mia was enveloped in her thoughts she didn't notice that a short red-haired boy was staring at her intensely. When she finally broke free from the trance she noticed the boy who had quickly turned away at the moment their eyes locked. Mia swiftly got out of her seat, pulled out a chair and turned it around so that the backrest of the chair would be against her stomach, in attempts to look 'cool', only to fail miserably and end up tripping and falling on the chair onto the ground.
The class fell silent as she got up and brushed the dust off her shirt and pants "aha oh well looks like I'm a bit clumsy today" Mia said awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact with any of her classmates. She heard quiet laughing behind her as her face turned into a scowl only to realize it was the red-haired boy that had been staring at her 'oh shit his laugh and smile are so cute' he didn't realize that Mia had been looking at him and immediately stopped "Everyone back to work, and Mia are you okay?" Ms.Ryder shouted. Mia let out a small "yes" before turning her attention to the boy with the killer smile. "Hi, you might already know but my name is Mia. What's yours?" "Shawn" "Ah cute name for an even cuter boy" Mia said not realized that she said it aloud until she looked at Shawn's blush that spread across his face "OH SHIT, did I say that out loud? I'm so so sorry, I-I guess I'm just a blabbering mess today h a h a.. anyways I'm going to go hide in the bathroom for the rest of the da-" Mia was almost done with her awkward apology when she was cut off by "no it's fine, and thank you." _________________________________ Ok so I guess this is part 1 and I'm kinda low key proud of it so um y e a h
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There we go ^^^ that's what Shawn looks like
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^^ in case you have no idea what she was trying to do