Part 3

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It had now been a few weeks since Spencer and Lucy's first official date and since then they've been on two more but since they were last minute also it was just dinner and Lucy's house and they both got to know each other a bit more. Today they were on their third date and this time they had been planning. Reid knew that Hotch was shocked when Reid asked for a day off since the last one Hotch had to order him to but Reid didn't care. He organised a dinner at a fancy restaurant and rented a limousine for them.

When Reid arrived outside of Lucy's house in the limousine he had a bouquet of dandelion since they were her favourite flower and he knocked and an older looking man answered.

"You must be this Spencer I've heard so much about I'm Lucy's father James."

"Nice to meet you sir."

"Are those for my daughter?"

"Yes she told me on our first date that her favourite flowers were dandelion."

"She's just getting ready why don't you step in." Reid stepped in and Lucy's father closed the door and Emma came running towards Reid and he crouched down and lifted her up.

"Hey princess Emma hows your kingdom coming along."

"It good mr fluffy had to be locked in the dudgeon because he tried to betray me."

"Oh how dare he." Reid smiled and put Emma back down and she ran back into the living room and Reid and Lucy's father followed and a women was sat watching Tv but stood up when he walked in.

"You must be Spencer it's great to finally meet you."

"You to Lucy and Emma talk about you both a lot."

"So Spencer Lucy tells us you work for the FBI."

"Yes sir I work as a behaviour analyst to find...bad people and put them away in the dungeons ain't that right Emma."

"Yeah Grandpa Spencer helps put the bad guys away." Reid smiled at Emma then heard Lucy's father cough and Reid turned around and saw Lucy in a red dress and she looked beautiful that he was long for words.

"You look...Wow. Um these are for you."

"Dandelion you remembered." Lucy took the flowers and put them in the vase that the roses were in and then walked over to Emma.

"Ok baby me and Spencer are gonna go now so be good for grandma and grandpa."

"Ok mommy bye." Lucy kissed Emma's head and they left and Reid helped Lucy into the limousine.

"Spencer this all seems very expensive."

"Don't think about that just enjoy yourself." Lucy smiled then the limousine drove to the restaurant.

When they arrived the driver opened the limousine door for them and Spencer got out first then helped Lucy out and they walked into the restaurant and Reid managed to get a table by the window and they looked through the menu and ordered them started talking.

When their food arrived they were laughing and joking and eating and when they finished they ordered desert.

"Ok Spencer lets get serious now what's something bad that I don't know about you."

"Well a few years ago I was kidnapped during a case and held hostage the UnSub had split personalities so one minute he was himself and the next moment he was his abusive dead father we when he was himself he would inject me with drugs so that when he was his dad I would be too drugged up to feel him beating me."

"I'm s sorry that must have been awful."

"Yeah well when my team found me they shot the UnDub because he was about to kill me and I lived but because of him injecting the drug into me I sort of became addicted and started using afterwards. I've been clean for two years."

"Have you ever almost relapsed."

"A few times but then I remembered what I was like to the people I cared about when I was using and it stopped me. So what about you."


"What's something bad that I don't know about you?"

"I lied to you the first day we met about Emma's father. I was in college all that was true but I went to a party and got drugged and raped. I woke up and I was to embarrassed to got to the police or hospital so I just tried to pretend it never happened but nine months later Emma was born."

"I'm so sorry."

"That's another reason I dropped out of college I just didn't feel safe there."

"That's understandable. So let's get back to your family."

"Spencer we've been talking about my family a lot but you never talk about yours."

"Oh. Well it's just me and my mom. My mom has schizophrenia has for as long as I could remember. While I was at school I kept it hidden because if I didn't I would of ended up in foster care so as soon as I was old enough I got a job at the FBI and I couldn't look after her anymore it got so bad that some days she didn't have a clue who I was so I had to put her in a home and whoever she's lucid she writes me letters and I write back and I visit her when I'm home."

"What about your dad didn't he help?"

"My dad left when I was four couldn't handle looking after a child and a sick wife so it was just me and my mom but it wasn't all bad at night she would read to me she always said being read to us so much better then reading it yourself."

"She sounds like a great women."

"Yeah but I sort of have another family. My work colleagues have sort of become my family and we're all like family I'm one of my friends sons God farther and we all look out for each other they know everything about me almost."

"Have you told them about me."

"Not yet but not because of you. Your amazing. It's just any of the relationships that I have had haven't ended well and it always happens when the team find out so I didn't want to jinx it but I was planning on telling them at work tomorrow I just haven't figured out how yet."

"Is it really that bad that you could be dating?"

"No it's they all see me as the baby of the group and they all joke about me dating and I just really want them to like you and for you to like them."

"I'm sure there all great people Spencer you wouldn't be friends with them otherwise."

"Yeah I promise I'll tell them tomorrow then we can organise a get together for you to meet them and Emma of course." They continued talking more and then when they were finished they left and Spencer dropped Lucy off home and kissed her goodnight and then went home and fell straight to sleep.

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