40- Saara

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We decide to host a dinner as opposed to going out. I don't really arrange anything. Atif has caterers that he uses. They arrive early and begin to set up in the kitchen. I dont really plan on doing anything till Asma arrives. She takes one look at me in my simple cotton capri and tunic and gasps. She marches me upstairs and rifles through the clothes before she picks a red embriodered sleeveless tunic with 3/4 pencil trousers. Its not me. I hate it. Its completely OTT.
But i know arguing is futile. The horror doesn't end there: she calls in reinforcements. A MUA arrives shortly and begins work on my face and hair.
I like Asma, she's grown on me in the way an eccentric aunt would who is completely batty. I dont argue with her and ignore most of her jibes because i know that they do come from a good place.
When i look in the mirror. I gasp. Asma misinterprets this as awe. I smile through the crimson lipstick- which Asma forced the MUA to apply. She wanted to go nude.
I nod and smile and put on the jewellery Asma takes out: a heavy choker embellished with garnets.
She takes 20-30 photos of me before i finally usher her out.
Then i go upstairs and have a shower. I wash off the layers of makeup, the hairspray and perfume. I watch it whirl away down the drain. Then i get out of the shower and put on a full sleeve cotton tunic in pale green with skinny jeans. Its fancier than the original one i was wearing but no where near as fancy as the red. I slip on a simple chain with a rose pendant and some flat sandals.
When i look in the mirror, im shocked to see my eyes look huge and there are shadows under them. Perhaps i should have left some of the makeup on.
I kneel on the floor in the dressing room and start rifling through the shopping bags from last week. Asma did furnish me with some makeup. I apply some concealer and a little mascara. Lip gloss and a some highlighter. Better.
I let my hair dry naturally and again curse myself for having washed out the curls. Instead i tie it up in a messy pony tail.
Atif gets home first. Only a few minutes before the first guests. He takes the stairs two at a time and jumps in the shower. He must be taking my lead because he descends a few minutes later wearing jeans and a t shirt.
He gives me the once over and reminds me to put on my lenses. Ofcourse.
When i return i can hear voices in the garden where a table is set out. As I emerge, i immediately notice there are 3 couples and a single woman perhaps 24 at most. Although dressed casually most of the women are wearing jeans and either sleeveless tops or cropped vests. I still feel over dressed.
Everyone seems relaxed but i see a distinct look pass between two of the women, which i ignore. To their credit
No one seems outright rude. They welcome me into the group, the women via polite hugs and the men with a simple nod.
We stick to a simple story about meeting through a mutual friend.
It is a casual atmosphere. The men seem to lounge a little, their arms hanging over the back of their partners chairs. There's a lot of touching. Shoulders, back, hair. I wonder if any of them are married. Atif and i sit next to each other. His body language is casual and he seems younger. His friends tease him incessantly about everything. There is a lot of banter. Sometimes about things i don't understand. Sana, the only single female, takes the time to explain. When Atif waves away a comment out of protest.
They talk about food, restaurants they've frequented, books they're reading, the new cricket season, projects they are working on. I listen, genuinely interested.
The conversation suddenly changes as one of the women, Arwa, shrieks and slaps Atif on the back and says 'thank god you're not with Anushe anymore-'
She stops and realises the mistake she's made. Atif rolls his eyes but most eyes at the table are fixed on me. Sana whispers 'his last girlfriend was a model.'
'Well you have had quite a few, its hard to keep track' says one if the guys to my left. His comment is met with an elbow to the ribs by his girlfriend, who looks at him mortified.
I take the graceful approach of self deprecation my mother taught me by stating the obvious, which I know most people are thinking.
'Its ok' i say lifting a hand and smiling. 'I'm not really a permanent fixture here either.' This is clearly not what they were expecting and there is a little laughter, so i continue 'i have a whole other life that I'm going to need to get back to soon.' I say matter of fact. And the group relax immediately.
'What is it you do?' Asks someone to the right of me.
'Accounting.' I answer. 'The things you learn about people from their bank statements!' There's laughter and a few groans at the table.
'I bet you find all sorts-' begins Sana before Atif cuts her off.
'-Actually we got married last weekend' he says killing the conversation. There is a huge silent pause. Everyone looks from Atif to me , then back to Atif.
I ignore Atif's scowl, which I can sense more than see from the periphery of my vision.
'Its the only way I'd agree to sleep with him!' I say half joking. My words are met with nervous laughter. But the atmosphere has changed and i know then that this is going to be our first fight.

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