Move In Day

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        I couldn't find it me to sleep. My stomach was in knots all night and all I did was stare at my luggage.They just sat there, mocking me. Mocking my fears and mocking my doubts of the next four years of my life. This was it. This was the day.

        I turned over in my bed and stretched.  My sheet's smelled like coconut oil and Shea Butter. My Mama was in love with sweet smelling candles. Had me smelling like nature one day then sugar cookies the next. Supposedly my daddy would buy her one every year as a birthday present and when he was gone, I kept up the tradition.

        Looking at the picture frames on my nightstand I smiled. Reminiscing on high school days, I laughed at  how awkward I looked standing next the the other girl in my class. I attended Carver High School in Lancome,Georgia for what seemed like forever. The school was pretty cool and I did make friends, but none of the relationships or bonds I created with the people there seemed like they'd be life long.  When It came to boys, I was never really interested. I mean, there was some cuties, like Ethan Williams and PJ Nicks, but I've known those boys since elementary. How could I possibly like guys I've seen pee their pants during nap time or eat their boogers when they were five?  Let's just say leaving Lancome won't be too hard.  That's not even what I'm truly worried about.

        During my classes in high school I envisioned what college would be like every chance I got. Picturing myself drinking, partying, and being academically successful all made me more hyped to leave. I started planning what colleges I wanted to attend when I was only 15. My Mama called me crazy but I honestly couldn't help myself.  I was waiting to shine and I knew the only place that'll happen was college.

         I never came to terms with the real reason why I never gave boys a chance in high school. I think it had a lot to do with those visions. I believed I'd meet someone at college and I'd live happily ever after like one of those stupid princess's on Disney. However those princesses had porcelain skin that was blemish free, while I had wild curls and a nose I haven't yet grown into. Whatever, I just know I have this whole idea of college in my head and I'll be completely heart broken if it doesn't stand up to my very high expectations. 

        Being so that I am blind as a bat, I put on my glasses.  My head wrap was basically off my head of course and I got goose bumps as soon as I pulled the covers off of my skin.  My dog Wiggles was taking up too much space on my bed, as usual. Shaking my head I picked him up and kissed his soft fur. "I'm gonna miss you Wiggles, yes I am, oh yes I am! " I cooed as I put him back to rest. 

        The sun was making his presence known, making the room feel warmer by the second. I was glad I caught the sunset because It'd be my last time seeing it in my beautiful state of Georgia.  I pulled the white linen curtain and just took a deep breath.  That deep breath was suddenly filled with the smell of eggs and bacon frying in the kitchen. When I peeked my head in, My Mama was sitting at the dining room table.  Guess she couldn't sleep either.

        My Mama never approved of my decision to go to Hanson University. Even though she was part of Hanson's Class of 1990, she a has tried countless attempts to steer me in the opposite direction. My Mama and Daddy met there. She told me that they had the same Biology class and he just couldn't leave her alone. He was a tall guy, about 6'3, and that was exactly Mama's type.  

        "What are you doing up ma'?" I said leaning up on the Kitchen wall. 

        "I couldn't sleep one bit. You know It's not too late to go to Georgia State.  Hanson is a beautiful school and I am so proud of you honey, but I'm going to miss you like crazy"

        "Mama, you and Daddy went to Hanson.  You know how important it is for me to go to an HBCU" I said with my arms crossed. 

        "Old Hanson isn't like the new Hanson. I don't want you messing around with  those. . . those. . . whats the word you young folks be saying now a days?" 

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