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Second Person POV

"Woah! You guys ate the whole banana!" You mumbled in surprise 

"You guys must've been really hungry!" You added in as you gently rubbed Spooky's (Kyoya's) ears, flinching when he scratched your hand

 "Hey! That's not nice!" You said as you pouted. 

You poked Spooky's (Kyoya's) cheek with a bit of force but not a lot 


You ignored Spooky (Kyoya) and went to go play with Silence (Mori). 

You stared at his expressionless face for a few minutes before raising your hand to rub his head. 

His expression didn't change at all but his eyes were glued on Fuzzball (Honey) for some reason. 

You brushed it off and decided to go play with the twin cats. 

You got up and walked over to the twins before sitting down in front of them.

 You played with Cinnamon's (Kaoru's) whiskers for a few minutes before stopping when Hazel (Hikaru) placed his paw on your arm.

 You looked over at him and tilted you head "What's wrong?"

 Hazel (Hikaru) stared at you, his facial expression telling you to stop. 

You chuckled and nodded "Okay, okay." You yawned as you got up 

"I'm so tired." You whispered 

"Time to sleep." You announced to the cats 

"Hmm. Should I eat? Nah, I'm too lazy." You nodded and started walking upstairs 

"Don't make a mess, okay?"

𝕐𝕠𝕦 (Yandere OHSHC Cats/Nekos X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now