Chapter 8

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I had to leave, I needed to upload a video. I almost wanted to tell her how I felt, but I couldn't just yet.

As soon as I got home, I began to edit another episode of the RPG horror game I had played and uploaded.

I went downstairs, getting a white piece of paper. I wanted to draw something for (f/n). I wanted to draw something so badly, but I wasn't sure what to draw, or if I should even draw something. I put the paper down and shook my head. It wasn't time to draw her anything yet.

My phone buzzed on the table. I sat on the couch, picking it up. It was a message from (f/n):

(F/n)- Hi, Mark.

Me- Hey! What's up?

(F/n)- Nothing really... just sitting.

Me- you okay? You seem off.

(F/n)- yes, just fine.

Me- alright.

Before I knew it, (f/n) was calling me. I answered, "Yes?"

"Hey, I just thought I'd try to, y'know get to know you a little better," she responded. Her voice was so pretty. It was like a symphony that Beethoven wrote, and I didn't want to stop listening.

"So you're saying you want to ask me questions? As in, personal questions," I smirked.

"Yes, I guess you could say that."

"Ask away."

"Well, how old are you for one? If you're wondering, I'm 22."

"Well, I happen to be 25," I told her. We stayed on the phone for like ever. I told her about my life. About my father, the tumor I had. She apparently didn't know who I was, so I told her about my channel. After I was done, she told me about her life. She had a little sister, her parents had died in a car crashed and her grandmother was who she had lived with.

"You know Mark, I've never told anyone my whole backstory in an hour before. I usually tell it over a period of time. I haven't even told my boyfriend all that. You must be pretty special for me to tell you all this," she said.

What she said made my cheeks turn red. So I was special. If she was here right now, I would probably have to kiss her.

"Mark?" I heard her say from the other end.

"I'm here, (f/n), just thinking," I said.

"What about?"

I waited a second, debating on whether I should tell her, but she had a boyfriend. I probably shouldn't. I said instead, "Me being special," laughing.

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