Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


So... Before we knew it, we found ourselves at the Greggs' mansion. The place was getting really busy already.
Wedding wahala

I groaned inside of me as I thought of all the teasing I would get, with everyone wanting me to get married. I was sure, they'd start asking for my boyfriend in fact.

Typical of Nigerians to poke their noses into other people's business.

No one ever asked Grey about marriage because he's a guy and according to them, He's just 29. Seriously though, that's unfair. He's free to have all the wild fun while I have to be pestered, almost on a daily basis about my relationship status.
I'm just 24 nau!

Tana's parents never put pressure on her for anything. But in my family it's the exact opposite, they coerced us into doing almost everything concerning our lives. Rebellion would be a major struggle but I was confident that I could pull it off.
"Dinner's ready" I announced to the family in the living room where they just sat around relaxing.

Dad hadn't come out since we arrived from the airport but we all knew he was in. Mum made an excuse of him being asleep cause he was stressed out. We all pretended to buy it despite knowing who our father was, he couldn't care less what we thought. It was his house after all and he could do whatever he wanted, even disregarding the choices and opinions of his family members and neglecting them emotionally. He was the Lord after all..

I sighed at the thought, God really needed to intervene in my family.

"Lola go and call daddy to come down for dinner" I nearly flinched when I heard what Laila had said.
Why did it always have to be me? Being the last born isn't good at times
"Don't worry I'll go get him" Mum interjected before I could respond
Phew! That was close...

We sat at the table waiting for my Dad to come in, being the head of the family he would decide whether to say "Grace" or call on someone else to do it.

Tana sat next to me, we could feel the tension around us. Everyone probably had the same thing on their minds....
'Travis and Dad's meeting for the first time in two years after their fall out which had been far from settled'

I prayed that God would make everything go smoothly, I heaved a sigh of relief as I felt peace afterwards.
We heard footsteps coming down the stairs and we all went into a frenzy, adjusting things that were already in place. Even my brother's kids put on their best behavior, stopping their chatters abruptly.

How could one man be so intimidating?!

My dad walked in slowly, majestically even...

With his usual kaftan, looking all bossy. His thick glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. Looking into his eyes which roved around the room, one couldn't miss his scrutinizing gaze and then his stare went blank.
Now we see where Travis got his signature blank expression from...
We all stood up as a sign of respect, mum followed him into the room visibly shaken like she'd just argued with my dad, she looked tensed just like the rest of us.
We greeted in our local dialect one after the other, A small smile crept up his face when he pinched the little cheeks of his grandkids earning giggles from them.

Ima genuflected, after earning a side hug from him with a small but nervous smile perched on her face.
He answered the rest of our greetings before turning to Travis, finally.
The moment we had all been waiting for, had come. I kept praying within me for it to go well, I'm sure mom was doing the same because when I looked up, her eyes were tightly shut

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