Chapter 1

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The nephilm vows, Malec in tuxedos, the beautiful Malec dance were all some beautiful moments Alec was thinking while he was lying in bed beside Magnus. Though Magnus was asleep his charm was still intact, Alec was happliy looking at his adorable face and he was thinking what on Earth he would've been doing if he hasn't met Magnus. Thoughts get pricky always. When Alec was in the spiral of happy and anxious thoughts, Magnus slowly opened his eyes. Just like the clouds get scattered with sun's radiance, Alec's thought spiral went off when he saw Magnu's eyes.

Magnus with his soar voice, asked "Already awake pup ? "Alec blushed on hearing his voice yet got offended by the pup. "Magnus! don't pup me please".
"Hah Very well Alexander"
They were lying on the golden mattresses with hand held and starring into each others eyes. Before Magnus could say anything, Alec's lips were pressing against his and he was on him. Magnus got his breathe in the middle and he could barely speak, managed to say 'You never fail to amaze me, Alexander'. Alec, 'Oh yeah', pressing him even harder.

They had a thing for while until Alec's phone started ringing. Alec was pissed off. Magnus laughed and said "it's okay Alexander, I'm all your's always"Alec took the phone and it was from Jace. He took the phone and Jace was like, "Alec I need you, There's a demon attack at Benelua, We are outnumbered in here. Hurry up buddy".
Jace's voice made Alec tense. He sensed, he was in some serious trouble.

Magnus tried to understand the situation, very well he understood that Jace is in danger. Alec jumped out of the bed to grab his clothes, Magnus held his hand.
Alec, "Magnus please I need to go now".

Magnus said, "I know Alec, I don't want you to go alone, you grab your arrow and quiver, I'll get ready and come along with you".

Alec said, "No Magnus, I don't know what we are dealing with, I don't want you to get into any trouble".

Magnus said, "Exactly Alexander, We don't know what we are dealing with, you need me".

Magnus certainly has a point and Alec couldn't argue with him. He smiled and said yes.

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