Chapter 1

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I never thought that admitting yourself to college would be this difficult, hard, and hassle. There were entrance exams, waiting for the exam's result, paying for the exam you've taken and if ever you passed the exam then we call that the first round. And before doing all of that, you need to compile first all the requirements needed and when you're done with that, you need to stand in a very long line of people just to get your requirements assessed and to know if you are qualified to take the test. 

I don't know why I did that because I am a very lazy person and doing ALL of that is not an easy job, well for me, I don't know about the others though.

After that very tiring and difficult entrance exam, if you're lucky then you'll probably pass the test and then get accepted because that's what happened to me. I am a very lucky bitch because I was really not that serious while answering the questions plus I had a headache at that time because me, myself and I always and will always have a headache and I got lucky that my stupid headache visited me the day I took the exam. 

So all I can tell is just that I am a very lucky bitch and that's why I am jumping up and down on my bed during the day I received the email regarding the results of the entrance exam.

I thought the hell ended there but what I thought is clearly wrong. 

After passing the entrance exam, there's this one on one interview with one of the faculty members of the school you were applying to. During my interview, I was really nervous because I wasn't prepared at all! Their questions are practical ones and I don't like when I'm put in a practical place or any situation at all because questions like that target more on how well you know yourself and how well you managed yourself in different sorts of situation that they will give to you. 

For me, that's a very difficult and challenging one to answer, questions like practical one or any questions at all because it needs honesty and that is the one thing that is very difficult to do. I hardly even know myself, so how the hell am I gonna answer what they're asking me truthfully?! As much as possible I try not to lie. 

Every day, I am doing my best to know myself more. So during the interview, I was taken aback to some of the questions because I was placed in a situation where I should choose to tell the truth or hid it in the pit of my stomach and vomit it later on. Anyway, that interview did not go really well, I stutter a lot and it is super obvious that I lied while answering some questions but Nah, don't care anymore. It is up to them to suck it up to their ass and accept me or reject me.

I thought that I never really had a chance of being accepted in that school and I was losing hope but only a little because I did send my applications to the other 4 universities that I also wanted to study and I also got lucky because I passed all of them and am just waiting for the confirmation that I can enroll to their school. I'm a genius, right? Ha!

Fate must be really on my side because I also got accepted to that school that I was talking about earlier. Thank goodness the interviewer has a good heart and gave a pass to my not so prepared interview.

Now I am ready to enroll myself and the only problem is among the five universities I have applied, what school will I choose? To finally make a decision on what school I am going to enroll, I compared their school's tuition fee, miscellaneous fee, book fee, travel, health and safety insurance fee, the quality of the school, who can accommodate me more and many more. It is one tough job to do and make a decision and at last, I finally have the perfect school for me and that is thanks to my very supportive and beautiful mom who helped me weigh things down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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