Part 3

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Raman was in his lala land dreaming about his mystery girl. He woke up with a jerk hearing the calling bell. Cursing the person for disturbing his dream, he opened the door lazily sniffing his yawn. Only to get the shock of his life, there his mystery girl was standing, looking at him equally shocked.

He rushed inside for fishing his t-shirt and brushed his hair until he was satisfied with his looks. He again rushed to the front door and held on the door panting hardly being tired.

She couldn't control her laughter anymore and laughed out aloud. Raman got lost in her laughter and pouted for being a laughing stock. She saw this and controlled her laughter and apologised for laughing at him.

Ishita: Can please lend me some sugar, we shifted in yesterday. We are yet to stock up the grocery.

He nodded his head and came back with a bottle of sugar and gave her. She took it and left thanking him.

Raman ki mann mein latoo phoota when he saw her entering the opposite flat. He was still staring at the closed door of her house smiling like an idiot. The ringtone of his phone broke his trance, it was Mother who called to check up on him. After the usual talks he kept the phone and went to get ready for the day.

Raman: Kya yaar, didn't even ask her name.. Koi nahi, she's my neighbour na, will ask her later.

Raman was lost in his thoughts when his friends barged in. They took him with them, and were just roaming around in their bike teasing each other.

He returned back home dead tired and slept immediately like a log.


Raman was standing in the balcony, when he saw her standing outside the gate in a school uniform. He rushed down and saw her standing at the bus stop. He went near her and forwarded his hand.

Raman: Hii.. Raman

Ishita*hesitatingly*: Ishita

Raman: Nice name..

Ishita: Thank you..

Raman: Where are you from?

Ishita: Chennai.. you?

Raman: Delhi..

Silence, as both didn't know what to talk..

Raman: ..studying??

Ishita nodded her head in response.

Raman: Hmm.. which class??

Ishita: 12th..

Raman: Ohh!! I'm doing my 2nd year engineering..

Ishita*Her school bus came*: my bus came.. bye..

Raman: Oh yeah.. bye.. see you..

She boarded the bus and took her seat. He was standing in the bus stand waiting to see whether she will turn back or not. The bus started moving slowly, he was still looking at the bus hopefully, when he saw her putting her head out the window searching for him.

The moment she saw him still there, she quickly sat straight blushing heavily. He saw this and smiled like an idiot sitting on the road and waving at the invisible bus.

That day somehow passed for both, lost in each others thought.

Slowly it became a routine for Raman to go the bus stop daily. IshRa came close to each other.

29 AUGUST, 10 PM

It was Raman's birthday next day. He was sitting in his flat sulking as he was missing his parents. He went to sleep feeling lonely.

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