chapter 12

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 Blue and red lights cut through the darkness, flooding the car. My heart was pounding out of my chest as Jonnie frantically shuffled around, attempting to hide whatever he was on his way to sell. I barely noticed his shoving a bag of coke the size of a brick into my backpack.

"Say nothing, you hear me? Let me do all the talking, just sit there and we should be fine," I nodded my head slowly, my body absolutely paralised with fear.

The officer approached the car and tapped on the window.

"License and registration please," Jonnie fumbled for his wallet and handed him the required documents. I watched the officers face carefully. He looked like he could smell something was off within the car.

"Why'd you pull me over?" Jonnie asked. In my opinion, he sounded a bit condescending, which wasn't smart, but I kept my mouth shut.

"Do you know how fast you were going?"

"Oh, uh nah sorry man, I wasn't really paying attention," Jonnie's right knee was bouncing up and down. He's nervous.

The cop nodded slowly. "Who are you miss?" He asked, directing his question at me. Before I could respond, Jonnie jumped in.

"That's my sister, we were just on our way home," The cop raised his eyebrow at me, but moved on.

"Have you been smoking?" Jonnie looked at him confused and just shook his head. "Well it smells like you hot boxed the car recently, so I'm going to have a K-9 unit come and search the car real quick okay? Can you step out of the car sir?" Jonnie glanced around quickly like he was going to protest but he thought against it, stepping out of the car, getting patted down, and taking a seat on the curb.

"Miss do you have an id on you?" I nodded.

"It's in my backpack," I reached down to open up my bag when my heart nearly dropped into my stomach. The cop seemed to notice my mistake at the exact same time I did.

"Miss, I'm going to need you to step out of the car,"


I spent the night in a holding cell. If I'm being completely honest with myself, I don't think mom wanted to interrupt the dinner party she was hosting that night to pick up her delinquent children.

When she did come and bail us out however, she wouldn't speak to me. Jonnie kept twisting the story to make it look like it was completely my fault and every time I tried to interject, she would send a nasty glare in my direction, so I eventually chose to shut up.

A month later, Jonnie got his court date, during which he specifically stated that I was in business with him, effectively damning any chance of me avoiding any charges. When he was found guilty of possession of cocaine with intention to sell, I could tell my mom was pissed, specifically at me. Never mind the fact that he was the one who actually was going to sell the stuff.

When I had my court date two weeks later, my mom barely even wanted to show up. It wasn't until the lawyer told her that she would have to sign some papers since I am a minor did she finally agree to showing up.

When I was charged the same way as Jonnie, just with a shorter sentence, my mom wouldn't even look at me. I always knew Jonnie was the favorite, but these past 6 weeks really just solidified it.

I stayed the night in the county jail, waiting to be transported to Springfield in the early morning. At least I thought it would be early that morning.

By the time 10 am rolled around, I figured something was up. I was told to be ready to move around 5 am, but obviously that was out the window. When an officer brought me lunch around 1 pm, I asked about it.

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