Fenrirs pack

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A group of giggling girls surrounded James and Sirius in the Gryffindor common room.

"And now, ladies," said James with a dramatic flair that would make a circus master jealous, "for your viewing pleasure only—"

"—especially yours—" Sirius bowed to a pretty girl with long, black hair. She giggled.

"—we'll show you magic never seen before. You'll be shocked. Amazed!"

"And when I surprise Prongsie, you'll laugh your bums off!" Sirius said to the crowd behind one hand, as if sharing a secret.

"We'll see about that. Pretty sure I'll get you first," said James. "You'll be so humiliated no one will ever date you again."

"Impossible!" Sirius gasped in mock-offense. "I'm too gorgeous!" He brushed his hair out of his face.

Remus and Peter sat in twin armchairs nearby.

"The world's gonna go under the day those two grow up." Remus crossed his legs and leaned into his chair.

"It's been a while since they pulled a show," said Peter. "Since... last year."

"We could all use to turn off for a bit."

"Not much pranking lately. It's weird," said Peter.

"They won't prank Slytherins anymore." Remus chuckled. "They know better now."

"Doesn't that mean they have grown up? I realize they needed to, but..."

Remus nodded. "Circumstances forced us all to. But don't tell them. It'll boost their ego too much, and they might relapse."

Peter shook his head, attention back on James and Sirius, but his expression changed.

"What're you thinking about?" said Remus.

"Nothing," Peter answered too fast.

Remus shrugged it off. He didn't like talking about feelings either. Maybe that's what Peter was contemplating.

Peter watched his two friends, so dramatic, so amazing—bigger than life—or so he thought once. But they're not, are they...? They aren't perfect. Recent events had shoved Peter outside himself, forced him to look at the bigger picture. Now, he found that picture very different. His friends, others around him, they couldn't protect everyone. They had flaws. They... were human.

The world had become far more frightening and complicated.

Lily came through the portrait hole. "James! There you are."

"Hey." James grinned.

"Finally warming up to us?" With a flick of his hand, Sirius produced a red rose. "For you, my lovely."

Lily rolled her eyes. "No, thanks."

Several girls giggled.

"Then it's for you, my lovely." Sirius bowed and handed the rose to the black-haired girl.

"That's cheating." The girl pouted but couldn't hold in a flattered smile. "You made it for Evans."

Sirius drew back as if affronted. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing when you sit here looking like a goddess? It rips my heart to shreds."

The girls twittered again.

"Never trust this man," James wrapped an arm around Sirius' shoulder, "cause he's just a big, ugly mutt." James dragged Sirius into a headlock and mussed his hair. "Take a good look, ladies. He's ridiculous!"

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