victorian times

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chibikasa steped out of  the timehotspot and looked round her new surrondings

she steped out in to a feild and saw some trian tracks in the disstance. there where hardly any civilisation bisides a farm whitch she just so happend to be in. she then noticed a farmer running up to her

farmer: what are you doin here and where did you come from?

chibikasa: i have no idea one minnite i was walking donw the street the next minnite im here. oh please help me im just a helpless girl. 

this killed chibikasa to say but she had to apeal to his narrow minded thinking.

farmer: oh well i guess you better come in. my name is frank by the way. whats yours?

chibikasa: my name? its chibikasa 

farmer: oh i see. i've never heard that name before. it sounds lovely.

chibikasa: thank you

she smiled sweatly.

frank: we sould probarly get you something to cover your self in eh.

chibikasa: what? oh no its fine where i come fom this is normal. i just need a ride to the nearest town if thats okay.

frank: oh yes i have a horse carrige at my home.

chibikasa and frank set off to the nearest town. when they got there chibikasa noticed that everyone seems scared or worried. chibikasa got off the carrige and frank left and quick as he could.  chibikasa walked up to a random woman.

chibikasa: hey. can you tell my why everyone seems so worried here?

woman: you dont know? well. 10 nights ago is when it started. a woman wnet missing. this has been happening everyday we dont know who it is so everyone is worried.

chibikasa: oh thank you.

chibikasa walked away and worked on a plan to stop this. she had desided  to wait for night and try and get taken away.but first she went to a time hotspot and braught a lazer gun and went back at around 11 pm. 

chibikasa sat on a bench she had hid her gun by shrinking it and putting it in her shirt pocket. just as she was about to leave a hand covered her mouth and started to pull her away and into a cage in a horse carrige.when chibikasa arived at and this unknown locaton . a man with a mask on unlocked the cage and blind folded chibikasa and took her inside his house and into his basement with all the other 10 girls. when the man left her blindfold was taken off by one of the girls 

chibikasa: YES IT WORKED!!

girl one: im sorry? 

chibikasa: oh yes sorry i came here to save you guys 

girl one: how will you do that? 

chibikasa: whatch. 

girl two: she's insane 

chibikasa reached in to her pocket and pulled out the miniture gun and grew it to full size and shot the door and it turend to dust and she got all ten girls out and looked though the house for the man. 

she walked round the house when she felt a gun pressed on her back

???: you had to ruin it didnt you. i liked you chibikasa i really did.

chibikasa: how do you know my name.

???: put 2 and 2 together 

chibikasa: frank?? 

frank: yep that right now its time to say good night.

chibikasa supn round and shot frank 

chibikasa: good night 

she walked out the house when her phone started ringing. she saw the caller id said dad so she picked up

chibikasa: hellllllo

???: your voise is diffrent yet it sounds as annoying.

chibikasa: who are you? how did you get my dads phone?

???: who i am dosent matter as of now. all you need you know is that if you dont get here at his house i will kill steven.

chibikasa: ill be there but if you harmed him in anyway ill kill you.

to be continued...

(word count: 644)

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