Chapter 2

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The next morning was stressful for Cherie and Sandy. Both of them forgot to set an alarm and missed their first class.

"Do you think I've still got enough time to shower?" Cherie shook her head and took her bag. "We already missed our first class. We can't miss the second one too." Cherie waited for her best friend.

Sandy had some problems with her shoes. She gave Cherie a Face that said "Please help your best friend" and Cherie got that in just one second. She ran over to Sandy and helped her with her shoes.

They checked if they had everything before running out of their room and to their class. They shared that one. "Do you think anyone will notice?" Sandy asked and started panicking.

Cherie raised her eyebrow and moved her hand around. "Of course Sandy! We missed the first class AAAND half of the Second one!" Sandy's eyes widened at her friend. "Dude chill. I don't think anyone noticed... I mean I hope.."

They knocked on the door. The door opened and the teacher gave them a stare. "A bit late Ladies. Come on. Sit down and listen to Joan. She was just trying to something about her."

Cherie furrowed her eyebrows and looked over her teacher's shoulder. Her blue eyes met brown ones and she got a warm feeling in her stomach. She stopped staring, when she felt pain in her right arm. Sandy just pinched her.

"Ow!" She whisper yelled and rubbed her arm. The pain eased and they went to their seats.

Cherie stared at the new girl with black hair and the leather jacket. "Dude, she's the girl from yesterday!" Sandy gave her a big smile. Cherie got confused. "When did you meet her?" Sandy shook her head and laughed a little. "I didn't meet her. But I saw her when she got here!"

Cherie nodded and locked eyes with the new girl. They just stared at each other. They didn't smile. Just a stare that gave Cherie a warm feeling

The teacher leaned against his desk. "Joan. Would you go on?" Joan nodded, breaking the eye contact with the blond girl.

"I'm Joan. Joan Jett-" the teacher looked at his paper and cut her off. "Excuse me, but.. isn't it Larkin?" Joan didn't listen to him and just nodded. "Joan Jett. I'm from Pennsylvania. But I moved to Los Angeles with my family a few years ago. And now I'm here."

Mr. Mercury nodded, listening to every word she said. "And would you like to tell them why you're here or do you want to end it here?"

Every time a new student came to the school, they had to tell everyone why they were here. No one knew why that was necessary but they did it anyway.

Joan formed her lips into a thin line. "Okay." She took a deep breath and looked at Sandy while she was explaining why she was there. "I stole a CD, ran away from home and did drugs."

Sandy looked impressed. She didn't think People like Joan who had cute Puppy eyes would do things like that. But don't judge a book by its cover right?

Joan glanced over to Mr. Mercury. He just gave a single nod and eyed the class. "Beside Sandy is a free seat. And beside Debbie is a free seat too. Choose wisely. This person is going to be your one of your seat mates for the next years." He sat down on his own chair.

It looked like Joan had the biggest challenge of her life while she was thinking which would be the better idea

Sandy tapped Cherie on her shoulder and smiled at her "do you think she's going to sit here?" Cherie looked at the black haired girl, trying to read her face. "I can't tell. Maybe?"

Joan started walking towards the seat right next to Sandy. When Joan sat down, Mr. Mercury started his class and talked about the most world changing moments in the history of the world.

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