Undercover Date

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Amir rested his head against the stone wall and his helmet clanged, the sound pierced his ears. His breath heaved out in short puffs and his heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Remind me again- why we- had to run?" Amir said in between breaths.

"Because- we don't want to get caught!" Rupert protested from where he was crouched on the ground, he appeared equally out of breath whilst looking across the nook of the alley they had ducked into.

"Couldn't we have just – I don't know - walked past them instead of being suspicious and running of in the opposite direction?!"

Rupert glanced at him from the corner of his eye, looked back a final time then stood up and turned towards Amir. "It's fine, I know the way. Besides, we had to be here anyways, we might as well get there faster right?" His head nodded towards something behind Amir, and as he turned around, he saw a door with a sign hanging above it.

"The unicorn's left front leg huh," Amir said, "I didn't know you knew of such a... unique place."

Rupert shrugged. "Did you think I was someone who hung around in my castle all day doing nothing? I get around a lot." he touched his mustache briefly to make sure it was still in place. They had decided to disguise themselves as to not be recognized on their date. Why Rupert decided to dress up as an old farmer was above Amir's understanding, as the mustache looked like Rupert had just glued some dog hair on a strip of leather - which he did – and having added the straw hat and pitchfork to the outfit, it just made him look plain ridiculous.

Amir wore something simple; he had borrowed a guard's helmet from the barracks, and wore the black cloak that he owned for hunting trips around his shoulders. Now when Rupert came with the suggestion to go on a date like commoners did, Amir was surprised. Did Rupert not like the royal life? But when Rupert explained that he would often go undercover to escape his royal duties – and his mother – Amir had just smiled fondly. What he wouldn't do for his husband...

And here they were, ducking into alleys trying to escape from the royal guards and going into a shady-looking pub where people greeted 'Fits' like they knew him.

"You sure are popular 'Fits'." Amir smirked.

"Hush, I panicked when I first visited, just like at our first meeting."

"Really now?"

"Yes, now shut up and choose a drink!"

Amir looked away from an embarrassed Rupert towards the bar, where there were two bartenders hurriedly making drinks to accommodate everyone in the crowded building. They looked no older than what, 19? 20? But still their hands moved around the bottles of fine liquor and empty glasses like they had done it hundreds if not thousands of times.

Amir walked up to the youngest looking one – who looked like he came straight out of a candy land with pastel rainbows everywhere – and ordered a beer for himself. Rupert was beside him a moment later.

"Hey Dion, can I have a Red Dragon?"

Dion looked surprised to see Rupert, and a wide smile spread across his face.

"Fits! My man! Damn it's good to see you, how long has it been? Not since the royal wedding, right?"

"It has been a long time! Dion, let me introduce you to my boyfriend, Chad." Rupert looked 'lovingly' at Amir which Amir returned with an affronted look, mouth wide and muttering something incoherent.

"Ah- he doesn't talk much in unfamiliar places." Rupert quickly says flashing a grin.

"Oh, that's alright," Dion said, "Charlie is a very shy person too."

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