Am I Trans?

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¡Warning Warning!
Trans!Bakugou x Cis!Kirishima
Skipping Meals {Please don't do this!}
Slight Physical Abuse.  
Unsafe Binding {Please don't do this!}


The night went on as Eijirou and Bakugou cuddled.  The blondes face nuzzled into Eijirous neck, Eijirous arms wrapped around Bakugous frail body, holding him close and protectively.   He knew something was wrong, even in his sleep, his mind wasn't at peace.  He felt bad for his bestfriend... he just wanted to see 'her' happy.  Slowly Tuesday night turned into Wednesday morning as the sun came up and the birds started to chirp and the gentle breeze rustled the leaves in the trees.  It was fall time, perfect time for morning walks and afternoon runs!  Sadly though, they both were still asleep and they both has school for the rest of the week. Anjika was making food while Tako was getting the kids up, starting with Tajika and then getting her dressed and to the table.  Before she went and came into Eijirous room, cutting on the light and opening the curtains.   This made Eijirou and Bakugou both let out a groan.   "Eww... gross, morning.."  Eijirou grumbled as he held Bakugou closer, who had tried to pull away to sit up and wake up.   But, heard Eijirous voice and felt the hold and was too tired to care.  He cuddled closer.  "Come on love birds, food then school, then cuddles."  She chuckled and Eijirou grumbled.  "She's just a friend mom! And we will be out in a moment."  He huffed and then heard his friend sigh.  

Bakugou hated 'she' it made him feel... uncomfortable.   He looked at Eijirou.  "I'm fine, don't give me that look.  Just tired."  He stated quitely and got up.   "I should really get home and shit, thanks for last night, or.. whatever."  He mumbled and quickly left before he could be stopped.  He hated his home yes, but he also hated a pissed Mitsuki.  So, he went back home.   Eijirou knew his mom and knew she would be mad if he stayed any long so he let him go despite not wanting him to. The day slowly drug on and school was borning as usual.  Bakugou, every chance he could get, was looking up something on his phone. Wondering, confused, sad, annoyed.  He didn't understand why he hated she/her pronouns.   He grumbled and stuffed his phone in his pocket.  It was lunch time.   So, he headed to the cafeteria and saw Eijirou sitting alone with no food.  He huffed a small bit and got them both food and came over to him and gave him the food.  "You need to eat."  He stated, grumbling as he sat down beside him.  "Oh-!  Bakugou, I ate a lot this morning, really, I'm fine!"  He gave a bright cheerful smile.  But, Eijirou was nervous and worried about Bakugou.   Trying to change the subject, Eijirou asked the blonde haired 'female' a question.  "How are you feeling?"

"Confused still..  I'm trying to educate myself on transgender.. things, and it's confusing.  Uhm, I just wanna know about it incase I meet someone who is trans and shit."  He said quietly and sighed, looking down.  Eijirou chuckled a bit. "Cool!  I should really educate myself too, maybe we should educate ourselves during.. free period?"  He asked and Bakugou nodded.  "..that sounds nice.. so, you support trans people..?"  He mumbled and Eijirou nodded.  "Of course silly, why wouldn't I?  They are humans too."  Eijirou chuckled and looked at the food.  "Ya know, i think I'm hungry after all.."  he didn't want to worry Bakugou so he started to eat, taking a few bites.  Bakugou rolled his eyes some at Eijirou.  "Whatever, Shitty hair.."  he grumbled and started to eat, but, a small smile rested on his face that stared down at his food.  Only for Eijirou to notice and call him out on it.   "Oh! My! Gawd! She's smiling!! Your smile is adorable!"  He giggled and then blushed, looking away.  He didn't mean to fangirl over Bakugou's smile.  Bakugou growled slightly and nudged him, "shut up... no it's not." He grumbled, but it was.   It was very adorable.  Anyway.  The blonde didn't smile again, not wanting to give Eijirou material to tease him with.  He ate his food, staying silent as Eijirou started to just go on and on about different things.  Sometimes Bakugou would answer him on somethings he said, but, he mainly stayed silent.   Knowing that he liked Eijirous voice and hated his own.  After lunch, they had gym, which was nice.   Well, for most.  A lot of people loved gym, Eijirou included.   But, Bakugou absolutely hated it as she had to wear the gym uniform, though, that was better than wearing a skirt and blouse for the regular uniform.  Eijirou got up and helped Bakugou up and them threw away both of their trash.   He put his arm around the blondes shoulders as they started to walk to gym.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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