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WARNING: This story contains depictions of torture, substance use, and addiction.

The wind blew vigorously through the small town of Crowtney. Nineteen-year-old Chim Nedi looked up at the greying sky, thinking to herself that it was probably going to rain any minute from now.

This was no surprise. Rain was something that happened often in Crowtney. In fact, Chim could vouch that she had once seen a statistic, which revealed that it rained more times in the small town of Crowtney than in any other place in the United States, it hadn't gotten the nickname 'rain town' for nothing.

Chim's book bag was slung onto her back as she picked up her pace, aiming to arrive safely home before the inevitable downpour happened. The wind blew furiously as Chim's usual fifteen minute walk home from the Crowtney Community College campus was shortened to an eight-minute walk.

Arriving home, Chim pushed the key in the lock and pushed open the door, breathing out a sigh of relief, knowing that she wouldn't be a victim of the unforgiving downpour today. She climbed the steps leading to her room, briefly taking in the empty house. Being home alone was nothing new to her. She was an only child and her parents often worked busy schedules, both being Doctors. Their days were usually long and often involved late nights.

Dumping her book bag on the floor in her room, Chim brought out her phone from her back pocket and instantly dialled the numbers of her two best friends, Nicole and Adya.

Nicole picked up her line first, her large forehead and heart-shaped face appearing on Chim's screen.

"Well, did you do it?" Nicole asked. Her face filled with anticipation.

Chim was about to reply when Adya's line connected, revealing Adya standing in front of the camera with soap all over her hair and a towel wrapped around her.

"Adya," Nicole said, laughing from the other end of the group FaceTime call, "what are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" Adya said as she giggled, "I'm in the middle of washing my hair."

A smile spread across Chim's face as she stared at Adya with her long hair covered in soap. Adya's hair was her pride and joy. She loved it. She had lustrous dark brown hair that fell past her butt, a credit to her Indian heritage.

"Well, Chim, did you do it?" Adya suddenly said, turning her attention from her hair to Chim.

Nicole, who had asked Chim the same question previously, tuned in on her, waiting for her response.

Chim bit her lip nervously as both her friends looked at her in anticipation.

"Not yet. I haven't been able to meet with them face-to-face. You know how my parents are always really busy. But I do plan on telling them this weekend. They're both gonna be off work, so we'd all be here."

Nicole nodded her head from the other end of the line and Adya hummed as she listened to Chim speak while absent-mindedly playing with hair.

"I'm sure everything will be fine when you do eventually tell them," Nicole said from the other end of the line and Adya nodded her head in agreement.

"Hopefully," Chim said as a chill of nervousness slowly crept upon her.

"It's twentygayteen, your parents will just have to get with the program whether or not they like it," Adya said, causing them to all burst out in laughter.

Chim felt her tensions ease a bit as she laughed. She was completely unsure of how her parents would react to her coming out to them as gay. They never really talked about topics like this, so Chim had nothing to base her expectations on. She had decided that she didn't want to stay in the closet for much longer. She wanted to be open with her parents, as she always had been. She didn't enjoy having to conceal this part of her identity.

INTERDIMENSIONAL: PART 1 (GirlXGirl) ✓Where stories live. Discover now