Chapter 16: Don't Break My Heart

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Jess woke up a little while later and Chase wasn't in bed.

"Chase?" she called out. No answer. She climbed out of bed and threw on some shorts and a tank top and walked out into the sitting area. There she saw Chase out on the balcony with a breakfast set up.

"What is all this?" she asked.

"Just wanted to surprise you," he replied, kissing her cheek.

"This is so sweet. Thank you." She sat down as Chase sat down opposite of her as they began to eat their breakfast as the waves crashed against the shore.

"Can I ask you something?" Chase asked.


"You seem so closed off to the idea of us being together. When I asked you last night about coming to the track with me, you said yes, but you seemed like you weren't too sure about it. Why is that? Is it something I did?"

Jess took a sip of her coffee before setting it down and let out a long sigh.

"Ok well here's the truth. My last relationship was nothing short of a soap opera and there was too much drama that I never wanted to experience again. Then I met you while working and I saw your life. You are like Redneck Jesus to your fans and girls are practically throwing themselves at you. I want a relationship with you Chase, but I don't want drama. I don't want to be cheated on and I definitely don't want my heart broken. That's a lot to ask I know."

"Are you saying I'd hurt you?" he asked.

"I don't think that, but you don't know what can happen from one day to the next."

"Jess I told you I love you. I would never say that unless I meant it and I do. You bring so much happiness and fun to my life in the short time we've been together and I know you don't think I can promise I won't do all the things you named, but I will do my damnedest to prove to you I'm the man for you."

He got up from across the table and walked over to her, helping her up to her feet and taking her in his arms.

"I love you Jessica more than you know."

"I love you too Chase," she said as tears formed in her eyes.

"Come on let's go to the beach." 

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