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Sierra's POV

I wake up and sigh thinking its going to be like every other day but I look confused as a woman in a white coat walks into my room and I stand up. "Goodmorning Ms.Taylor I am your new doctor Lucinda" she says and 4 male guards enter the room and grab me and I struggle not liking it when they grab me and one of them puts a needle in my arm and injects me with a tranquilizer and I slowly collapse and hang my head as it knocks me out and I hear my dad screaming for them to leave me alone before I slip completely into darkness.

Spencer's POV

I see a female doctor enter Sierra's room and start talking to her and 4 male guards enter her room and grab her and I scream telling them to leave her alone as I see them dragging her unconscious body out of her room and down the hall and the female doctor turns towards me and smirk. "Don't worry your next Spencer" she says and walks towards where the guards went and its silent for a few hours then I hear Sierra screaming at the top of her lungs and that goes on all day long and once night falls she falls silent and I go to my door and look out the small window and see a new guard carrying her down the hall and put in her room and I hear him whisper that he's sorry and that he will set her and one other person free tomorrow and as he's leaving I see a tear fall down his face.

Dr. Lucinda's POV (surprise)

I sigh as I sit behind my desk and run a hand through my hair and pick up the Taylor case and see their names "So its finally time" I say standing up and walking towards my office door straightening my dress and walk down the hall and stop at Sierra's door and see she is just waking up and I hear her sigh probably thinking it's going to be a normal day and I walk into her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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