Field Trip

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Yang POV

     I slowly wake up the next morning, surprisingly before the alarm, and looked down at my new son cuddled up next to me. I just smile at how cute he is and hold him a little tighter, we lay there and I dozed off again until the alarm clock went off. (Y/n) was surprisingly unfazed by the alarm and got up normally and yawned as he stretched, I sit up and stretch as well and tell him.

Yang: Good morning, sweety. *kisses (Y/n)'s forhead*

(Y/n): Good morning, Mommy.

     I get down from the bunk bed and then lift (Y/n) down and I get him bathed and dressed, I get cleaned up myself and when I'm dressed I carry him to the cafeteria and we eat breakfast. I couldn't help but look at his skinny frame, he needed to put on quite a bit of weight in order to help him recover. He ate absolutely everything I gave him as the rest of my team show up.

Blake: Never thought I'd see you up this early?

Yang: Well, things happen when you have a child to look after.

Ruby: Good morning, my little nephew.

       Ruby starts tickling and playing with (Y/n), which he seemed to really enjoy, then Weiss brings up a valid question.

Weiss: Not to be a downer, but what are we going to do about (Y/n) and the field trip today?

(Y/n): Field trip?

Yang: That's right. Mommy has something to do for classes that will require leaving the school for the day.

(Y/n): Do I need to stay here?

Yang: No, you just need to stay close to me, I'll protect you, promise.

(Y/n): *hugs Yang* Thank you, Mommy!

Blake: Are you sure about this, Yang?

Yang: Positive.

Ruby: Then we all know what we have to do. Keep an eye on (Y/n).

Everyone: Right!

Timeskip 1 Hour Later

     After a lot of persuasion, Professor Goodwitch allowed (Y/n) to tag along.

Yang: Now remember son, stay close to me while we're out there. Ok?

(Y/n): Yes Mommy.

Yang: That's my boy. *kiss (Y/n)'s cheek*

     We board the transport, but as soon as we board, an idiot starts talking.

Cardin: Hahaha, I didn't know Beacon was allowing strays into the school.

Glynda: Mr. Winchester, that will do. This boy will be staying at Beacon for the forseeable future. You will treat him with kindness or I won't be responsible for what Ms. Xiao Long may do to you.

     To emphasis her point I slam my fists together as my eyes turn red, this shuts him up for the duration of the flight. While we flew, I just played with (Y/n), I taught him how to do all sorts of games and fun things to do while flying. I then just ended up picking (Y/n) up and tickling him as we landed. I set (Y/n) down and he takes my hand as everyone follows Professor Goodwitch into the forest. I can see (Y/n)'s eyes filled with wonder and amazement at the trees and their continous fall look. Professor Goodwitch then explains our objective today.

Glynda: Yes students the tree of Forever Fall are indeed beautiful but Professor Peach has assigned you all to collect a jars full of red sap and I am here to make sure none of die while doing so. This forest is also full of Grimm so be sure to stay by your teammates. Alright, off you go then.

Male Child reader x Yang RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now