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     WHEN ADRIENNE HAD GOTTEN THE CALL FROM FINN INVITING HER AND ALEX TO BUD-E-FEST, SHE AUTOMATICALLY TURNED DOWN THE OFFER. She's lost family members to addiction of all kind - - marijuana is probably one of the most addictive drugs for teenagers. Adrienne doesn't want Alex anywhere near that drug or that concert - - or even around Finn. Finn because. . Well, it's Finn. That's enough explanation.

Letting out a sigh, Adrienne knocked on the Alvarez household door. Penelope answered the door and gave Adrienne a warm smile. "Adri, you're here! As much as I love having you here, Alex is not home right now." Penelope told her.

Adrienne furrowed her brows. "Really? I could have sworn he told me he was going to be hanging out with you all day. That's why I came over - - so I can spend some time with you both."

Penelope shook her head. "No, mija, he left an hour or two ago. He said he was going to some concert with Finn."

      Adrienne raised her brows and then proceeded to look Penelope up and down. Knowing her outfit was something that she would not usually wear, she snorted. "You're going to go spy on him aren't you?"

      "Me and Schneider."

      "Count me in."


AS SOON AS THEY HAD GOTTEN TO THE FESTIVAL GROUNDS, ADRIENNE COULD SMELL THE WEED IN THE AIR. She considered that Penelope and Schneider could smell it, so she chose not to say anything. Adrienne looked at the two adults she was with who had tried their hardest to look more "hip." They looked like 40 year olds who were trying to win over their new step children, but Adrienne admired their efforts. Plus, it made her laugh.

     "Yeah, I think we blend in pretty well." Schneider bragged as he and Penelope bopped to the music playing. He lifted his hand up to high five a guy passing but ended up being left hanging, making Adrienne laugh.

     "Well, I'm glad we came. Yeah this place seems pretty safe. There's a lot of security." Penelope nodded as they headed towards the stands.

    "Yeah, concerts have gotten so refined since my day. I just got my beard trimmed at the grooming tent. I was gonna get eyelash extensions but the line was too long." Schneider waved, Adrienne snorting as she looked through the crowd.

     "Seriously. That porta-potty was nicer than my bathroom. It had three ply toilet paper!" Penelope then pulled out a toilet paper roll from her purse. "Well it did. Okay, so Alex should be somewhere in that section over there."

     Adrienne nodded. "Okay, I'm gonna go looking for him. You guys stay here and keep a lookout." The adults nodded and watched Adrienne walk away. She bit her lip nervously and prayed that Alex wasn't doing what everyone else was doing.

     She had never touched weed, and she had chosen against it since she had so many family members addicted to it. She never wanted to end up like them — she never wanted to be dependent on any drug to be able to function. Adrienne sighed as she spotted the back of his head which then turned to his side profile as he took a vape pen into his lips. Adrienne felt shock enter her body as she stopped walking and watched him take a hit and then pass it to his friend. He laughed and he turned his head to look at the crowd, but then met eyes with his girlfriend. His eyes went wide, slightly red and dilated. "Adrienne?" He asked as he stepped towards her and looked around, almost as if he was embarrassed to be around her. "What are you doing here?"

     "Hanging with your mom all day, huh? Oh, I won't go to Bud E Fest if you won't go, baby," she recited the words he had told her over the phone. Adrienne shook her head, "You know how I feel about this. . this shit and you choose to lie to me and go behind, not only mine, but your moms back too?"

     "Woah, Adrienne, you decided to come after all!" Finn exclaimed as he walked towards the two. Adrienne could just smell him.

     She made a disgusted face. "Actually I was just leaving. And so is Alex." Adrienne told Finn with a straight face then turned to her boyfriend who had a frown on his face. "Let's go, Alex. I'm sure your mom is gonna be very happy to see you." She grabbed his hand, but then stopped. "Actually, I don't even wanna touch you. Come on."

     And with that, she led him to his very angry Cuban mother who was already preparing for a speech to give him at home.


ADRIENNE COULD NOT EXPLAIN THE MIX OF ANGER AND SADNESS SHE FELT. Alex had always known if the amount of pain Adrienne had dealt with from the amount of family members whom suffered with addiction.

And although she was definitely not a happy camper, she had to get some kind of assurance from him. She wanted to know why he did it. Was he pressured? Did he just not care about the pinky promise they made? She had to know. So there she was on his fire escape, knocking at his window. Adrienne watched as his curtains pulled back to reveal a very sad looking Alex. He opened up his window and held a hand out to her, the short haired girl taking it and stepping into his room carefully. "I know why you're here—"

"Do you? Do you really?" Adrienne asked him, her brows furrowing together as she stared at him with disbelief. "You pinky promised, Alex. You promised that you wouldn't even go near this stuff. Then you lied. To me and your mom. I love your mother so you have no clue how upset I am about that too. I just. . I don't know what to do."

Alex's eyes widened. "You're not breaking up with me, are you? Because if - - if you are then I swear to you I will never go around it again. And I'll never lie again. And once I'm not grounded anymore I will spend every single day trying to make it up to you." Adrienne frowned and shook her head, "I'm not breaking up with you, Alex."

Alex released a long sigh and walked into her body, his arms wrapping around her and his head nuzzling into the place where her neck and shoulder met. "I'm sorry, Adri. I love you. So much." Adrienne closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around the boy she loved, sighing. "I love you too, Alex." She released him and looked at him deep in the eyes.

"But I swear, if I ever find out you did it again—"

"I understand."

She bit her lip. "You better."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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