Chapter 17 - Distress Call

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  Lonnie lays lifeless on her back, staring at the ceiling fan as it continues to spin above her queen size bed.   It's sunny outside but in her own little world she views the weather as being very dismal and gloomy.   Her phone flashes notifying her of the multiple missed calls from friends and loved ones from the last three days of her hiatus.  Not in the mood to talk, she powers the phone completely off, carelessly tosses the phone atop her dresser then cracks the blinds partially open in order to welcome just enough light to jot down her troubled thoughts into her sacred journal.

“If I told you the thoughts
That darken the spaces
Under my eyes
And the emotions 
That lead to the words
That I write,
Would you listen?
Would you love me?
As much as you loved
The smiles of that stranger
You once got to know.
Before you got to know
Her lips
These lips
That won’t stop whispering
the truth once it's revealed.”

  Lonnie lays her pen down atop the pad and stares at her writing as she comes to a personal revelation.   Breathing a sigh of relief, she knows what her life has become of and where it will end. 

  She slips from her bedside to her knees with tears rolling down her cheek while interlocking her fingers and drifting into deep prayer.

"Dear Lord!  You know my heart!  I am so oppressed on all sides that I quite often want to end this life!  Life has become hopeless for me and I see no quicker way out of this sickness and this life of misery.  Lord, Your word says that my body is Your temple and as such I have no authority over my life and body.  Yet Lord, I am unable to resist this urge.  Please Lord strengthen my heart and remove any and all ill thoughs and any attempts I intend to make to take my own life.  I acknowledge that satan is a thief and comes to steal, kill and destroy.  I feel that he stole my heart momentarily and want to apologize and let you know that I choose You Lord Jesus, as my Master who came to give me life and give it abundantly.  I want to renounce all my harmful thoughts as I crave Your forgiveness for nursing such self destructing thoughts.  Though I suffer through illness, I thank You for Your forgiveness in which I cannot allow myself forgiveness of the same.  I believe that my times are all in Your precious hands now and that there is always hope through Christ regardless.  Thank You Lord for all of the times you’ve taken over my soul, my body and my life.  In Jesus Name I pray for the final outcome to come soon.  Please send someone to save me from me.  Amen."

  Wiping the trails of tears from her cheeks,  Lonnie rises to her feet to play her favorite song from her stereo before lighting a cigarette.  Thoughts of the blissful state she experiences when she's with Ebony reluctantly forces her to display a half cocked smile as "A Song for You" by Donny Hathaway blares through her speakers.  

  While the song plays, she grabs her phone from the dresser then powers it on.  After the phone finished turning on,  she scrolls through her many contacts then stops it from scrolling once it reaches Ebony's.   She pauses momentarily, then reluctantly presses the call button as the song continues to play in the background.  The phone rings four times before Ebony answers.

"Hey baby.  I'm need to come see you as soon as possible.   It's been one of those days. "

Lonnie remains silent as Ebony begins to sense that something isn't right.


  Lonnie's silence sends Ebony's heart racing as she is suddenly overwhelmed with an extremely uncomfortable feeling. 

  "I’ll be right over!!"  Ebony says frantically as she listens to the words to the song playing in the background:

I know your image of me is what I hoped to be
I treated you unkindly
And darling can't you see
There's no one more important to me
Baby can't you see through me
Cause we're alone now and I'm singing this song to you

Over 1 million thoughts run through Ebony's mind as she makes an unauthorized U turn in the middle of an intersection.   While hearing the song continuously play, she feels that she cannot get there fast enough.   Upon approaching a second red light, her hands slap the steering wheel as she screams "C'mon!"  Looking to her left, then to her right, she decides to go for it.

  While on speaker phone she repeatedly assures Lonnie that everything is going to be fine...

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